Privacy Notice

Ripples Crafts is a hand dyed yarn business selling hand dyed yarn and other craft related products via this web site as well as via other routes to market, such as yarn shows and events, or directly from Helen’s dye shed in the North West Highlands of Scotland. This web site and this privacy policy only relates to the selling of Ripples Crafts hand dyed yarn and other crafts related products.

Data Ripples Crafts collects from you when you make a purchase

Ripples Crafts only maintains a minimum amount of your personal data required to transact a purchase, and maintain a record of purchases as required by law. These details include your name and address, to allow your yarn to be delivered to you, your phone number in case you need to be contacted strictly with regard to your purchase, and your email address to confirm your purchase once you have placed your order, or in case of an issue with the order. In addition, in order to work, the system notes the IP address from which you connect. Ripples Crafts does not use this information for any reason other than your purchase.

Ripples Crafts does not gather or maintain any of your financial details, except details of Ripples Crafts purchase history, which is a necessary requirement. All payment details are managed by PayPal.


Ripples Crafts understands that the identifying information you provide in relation to your dealing with Ripples Crafts is your own data. While there is a minimum of information required to transact a purchase via the web site, you may manage the data held by logging in to your account at any time and changing your information.  In addition, you may contact Ripples Crafts using the various contact details on this web site to inquire about your data.

Data Deletion

You may request that your personal data be deleted from the online shop. If you have made any purchases, Ripples Crafts is required by law to maintain such records for a period of time, and all such data cannot be deleted.

General Privacy Statement

Ripples Crafts approves of the principles behind the European General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) and happily applies those standards to all customers.  Ripples Crafts will not use your details or contact information for any reason other than the running of the web shop. Your details will never be sold or passed on to any third party, except as required by law.


The Ripples Crafts shop web site uses "session" cookies as an essential part of the way it provides you with its information. The session cookies are only used for the duration of your visit to the site and do not contain any information about you or your preferences on the web site.




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Copyright © Ripples Crafts 2025