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Sunday, June 10 2012

This 'n That

I have been dyeing from dawn to dusk for the past few days in preparation for two events coming up over the next 2 weeks.  The first event is a new one for me, and for the organisers, Karelia House near Aberfeldy.  I met Shirley, who started up Karelia House, at the Perth knitting show a couple of  […]

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Saturday, April 7 2012

Coming up for a quick breath

It has been a hectic couple of weeks, getting ready for the Trunk Show at A Fine Yarn in Darlington next Friday and Saturday, 13th and 14th April, after which I head straight to the Rheged Centre in Penrith for the World of Wool event taking place there.  I have been dyeing, drying, twisting,  […]

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Saturday, February 11 2012

Taking pride

What a day it has been today.  It started last year in December when I was approached by a journalist from The Herald Newspaper in Glasgow.   She had seen some photographs taken by Angela Catlin on behalf of Business Gateway, and she thought that what I was doing would fit well into an article she  […]

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Sunday, January 1 2012

First walk of 2012

The weather has not been very kind to us recently.   We have had gale, after gale, after storm, after gale, meaning the wind turbine has had to be switched off and lashed down to avoid being damaged in the dangerous gusts which have reached very high speeds.  But we could not begin a new year  […]

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