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Tuesday, June 5 2012

Radio Silence again!

I'm sorry it has been so quiet here of late, but life has been a little hectic and it doesn't really calm down much until the end of June.I've just returned from Gardening Scotland, which is always a fun show to do as there is so much variety in the stands and stalls set up both inside and out.  I  […]

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Thursday, May 24 2012

I'm very fortunate

As my business has grown and got busier, the time I have to sit, relaxed, and knitting, has decreased.  I by no means resent this, as I love what I do, but it does mean that getting samples together for show stands can be tricky.  And this is where I am so fortunate. [caption  […]

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Tuesday, May 1 2012

Wonderwool 2012

We are finally home from a very long, wet, windy, cold trip to Wonderwool in Wales.  We are thrilled to be home, but we did have a good time, despite Wales doing its best to compete with Scotland for the worst weather award.After dropping Peggy and Lexie off with our good friends in Edinburgh, we  […]

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Saturday, February 25 2012

Artful Craft

I don't intend opening the debate on what is art as opposed to craft, but I do know artful craft when I see it. Regular readers will know that a couple of weeks back I had a visit from Dorothy, a weaver, who had driven all the way up from southern Scotland to come and visit the Dye Shed (and to see  […]

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Saturday, February 4 2012

Quite a week!

It has been quite a week at Ripples Crafts HQ this week.  At the end of last week I received a copy of the German edition of The Knitter magazine.  They contacted me towards the end of last year to say they would be featuring Ripples Crafts in an article, and to be honest I had completely forgotten  […]

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Thursday, February 2 2012

A chance to chat!

Earlier this week I was pleased to welcome Dorothy to the dye shed.  Dorothy and I first met at Gardening Scotland a couple of years ago.  Dorothy is a weaver, and the projects on her blog always leave me saying "ooooohhhh" and "aaaahhh" while reading.  Her work is wonderful.  I  […]

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Sunday, January 22 2012

Great chieftain o' the puddin-race!

Last night we were invited to friends to celebrate a Burns Supper.   I was slightly concerned before leaving, as it is traditional to do a "party piece" at such ceilidhs, and not being one who likes to be the centre of attention I always struggle to think of something to do.  So I was  […]

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Sunday, January 8 2012

Time Out

I must apologise for not posting very regularly over the last couple of weeks.    2011 was such a busy year, and I am afraid I decided to have some "me" time over Christmas and New Year, so not much was done in the workshop.  But we have been doing all the sorts of things you do when  […]

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Sunday, January 1 2012

First walk of 2012

The weather has not been very kind to us recently.   We have had gale, after gale, after storm, after gale, meaning the wind turbine has had to be switched off and lashed down to avoid being damaged in the dangerous gusts which have reached very high speeds.  But we could not begin a new year  […]

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Saturday, November 5 2011

November Mysteries

Celebrating the failure of Guy Fawkes to blow up the houses of parliament by burning his effigy has always been a bit of a mystery to me, but I have never failed to be thrilled by watching fireworks.  My earliest memory of fireworks are the ones that my aunt and uncle used to arrange for us in their  […]

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Tuesday, July 12 2011

Back where I belong

After a really interesting 4 days at Inverness airport, I'm back where I belong.  I have to say I now see airports in a completely different light, having watched how they operate.  A HUGE thank you to the staff and management at Inverness Airport and HIA for hosting the Highland makers that were  […]

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Monday, July 11 2011


There is nothing like an animal for companionship when you're far from home.  Meet Milo:I suspect he'd be a match for Peggy in terms of taking up bed space if ever they were in the same house!

Thursday, February 3 2011

A Friend indeed!

These beautiful flowers arrived yesterday from a friend who I know would be horrified if I mentioned her by name.  But you know who you are ...... THANK YOU!  They have brightened up the day completely!We're battening down the hatches tonight.  We are in the midst of a severe gale and there are all  […]

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Thursday, July 22 2010

Things that make you laugh

What makes you laugh?  Humour is such an oddly personal thing.  And sometimes it's hard to understand what it is that is funny and why you're laughing.  Yesterday I was driving to a meeting and somebody on the radio was reading a letter from a listener saying that her boyfriend was learning Spanish,  […]

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Friday, July 9 2010

Do you need to retreat?

Some of you may be aware that I am involved in a group up in Assynt called Top Left Corner.    Mandy, who is the power force behind Top Left Corner, has, for some years, been running writers retreats at Glencanisp Lodge, but she has now taken the decision to open the retreats to everyone who is  […]

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Wednesday, February 10 2010

Little Packages

Picking up our post from our postbox this morning, I spotted an intriguing parcel:And I couldn't help but notice just how appropriate the wrapping was, given the North Atlantic Drift is what keeps the Assynt climate relatively mind.Opening the parcel revealed it was a book I have been wanting for  […]

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Thursday, October 15 2009

Update from the henhouse

Let us simply say I don't think we were fortunate enough to get the brightest three chickens in the henhouse.   Now call me impatient, but after 10 days I would have liked to have seen our hens climbing up their ladder into their roosting box all on their own.  Everyone keeps telling me how they'll  […]

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Sunday, October 4 2009

Slightly strange folk

While a friend and I were sitting in a little coffee shop in St Margaret's Hope, waiting for the ferry to come in to take us back to Gills Bay on Scotland's Mainland, the waitress asked us if we were in St Margaret's Hope to see "the bird".  She saw our blank faces, and explained that a  […]

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Saturday, August 22 2009

Good Friends

We've had one of our closest and oldest friends visiting this weekend.  And so what else should I have done but set him to work:So we are now prepared for the arrival of 3 or 4 young ladies.  Hens, to be precise.  They won't be with us until later in the year, but we've got a cosy new home for  […]

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Saturday, July 11 2009


Today was just lovely.  We woke to a beautiful, sunny day, and we set off to Ullapool to meet up with family that we've not seen for many a year.   This picture was taken in 1964:That's me on the right (and yes, I still stand like that sometimes), and on the left is another Helen - daughter of my  […]

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