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Wednesday, October 24 2012

New scenery

Yesterday it was glorious in Assynt again, so we went for a walk.  I wore my newly finished Warriston, but in fact it was too warm to wear it for too long.  I absolutely love this sweater.  It is everything you want in a winter sweater - cosy, beautifully constructed and it has pockets!  It is  […]

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Wednesday, August 29 2012

An unashamedly yarny post

This week I received 2 lovely emails.  The first was from a good friend, and one whose company we are looking forward to in the near future.  I sent her some fleece a while back which she took on holiday with her, and she spun it by hand using her spindle and then created this scarf:I love it.   […]

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Saturday, July 14 2012

Two Things .....

Firstly, I've updated the shop this evening with some Silk/Merino 4ply yarn.  This is one of the yarn sthat was used to make Terpsichore Street, designed by Rosemary Hill.  My personal favourite in the batch I've put up is this one:I should remind you that anything marked as Assynt Jewels cannot be  […]

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Friday, July 13 2012

Ponderings on Yarn Support

It isn't often that I use the blog for thoughts on the knitting world, but I hope you won't mind too much if I do so today.  A few days back, a question was raised on Twitter which got me thinking about one particular aspect. From time to time dyers get asked if they will offer "yarn  […]

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Thursday, June 28 2012

Animal Hospital

It has been a bit like an episode from Animal Hospital here this week.  First of all one of our two remaining hens, Bertha, became poorly.  At 3 years she was old for the type of hen she was, so it was not surprising that when we went to put them away on Wednesday evening we found she'd gone on to  […]

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Tuesday, June 5 2012

Radio Silence again!

I'm sorry it has been so quiet here of late, but life has been a little hectic and it doesn't really calm down much until the end of June.I've just returned from Gardening Scotland, which is always a fun show to do as there is so much variety in the stands and stalls set up both inside and out.  I  […]

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Saturday, March 31 2012

Highland Colour

It has been a week for amazing colours this past week.  The week began with beautiful warm, sunny weather, and the evening sunsets were spectacular.  Stevan took this stunning photograph.  You can even see the Pleiades in the top left of the photograph.[caption id="attachment_5189"  […]

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Friday, March 16 2012

More Merry Dancers and another Gift

I'm afraid not a lot has been done in the dye shed this week, partly because I've spent a lot of time assessing what I have in stock and what I still need to dye for the shows that are beginning to loom large, and partly because I've been under the weather and have not felt up to spending hours in  […]

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Friday, October 21 2011

Glasgow School of Yarn

Today was the opening day of the Glasgow School of Yarn.  My journey to this event began yesterday morning as we headed down through Ullapool and past the always pretty Loch Broom:and after a brief diversion to Edinburgh where I left Stevan and the dogs in the care of our friends I&J, I made my  […]

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Tuesday, October 4 2011

Ganseyfest Part Two

I was too tired the other evening to fill you in on all that there was to see at Ganseyfest.   Words can't describe how in awe I was of the Ganseys that were on display.  To be honest ..... I thought they were machine knitted!The stitch definition is so even, particularly the ribbing - I can only  […]

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Friday, April 22 2011

Summer Artisan Fair, No. 1

The weather in Assynt today was perfect!  Blue, blue skies, and temperatures in the high teens.   Just the sort of weather to kick off the series of  .....Made in Assynt Artisan Fairs due to be held this summer in Lochinver.Table space is limited, so I only took a small selection of yarns with me,  […]

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Saturday, January 29 2011

Not sure what to say ....

It wasn't the brightest of starts to the weekend this morning.  I had an email to say that I had not been allocated a stand at Woolfest 2011.   I'm pretty devastated by the news, because I so much enjoy Woolfest and meeting folk.  I really can't  express my disappointment at not being allocated a  […]

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Friday, September 10 2010

In the Loop 2 - Shetland 2010

I have waited for many years to see this boarding pass:The In the Loop 2 conference was organised so well!  Linda Newington of Southampton University Library and Dr Carol Christiansen of Shetland Museum Archive had worked so hard to put together a great range of papers.  Inevitably there were some  […]

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Tuesday, August 31 2010

Just in the nick of time

I'm off to Shetland first thing tomorrow morning so over the last few days I've desperately been trying to get a cardigan finished to take with me.  For a change I was not using my own yarn, but instead I was using some Rowan Felted Tweed out of my stash.  And for those of you who are regular users  […]

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Saturday, August 7 2010

A Man in Assynt

In November 2010 there will be a special event in Assynt celebrating the life and work of Norman MacCaig. MacCaig was a teacher and a poet who loved this part of the world, and wrote numerous poems about Assynt.Now I know many people who read this blog have connections to Assynt, and so I'm putting  […]

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Monday, July 26 2010

Weekday Walks

Sunday Walks haven't been as regular as they should have been recently - mainly because for the last few weeks either the weather on Sunday has been very rainy, or else I've been working in the visitor centre.   So this week Stevan and I finished work a couple of hours early and set off for a  […]

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Wednesday, June 9 2010


When you are a hand dyer, and a sole trader, you have many titles:Chief (and only) DyerChief (and only) DryerChief (and only) LabellerChief (and only) PackerChief (and only) Accountant...... you get the idea!  And every now and then, just to keep you on your toes, you get thrown a little challenge.I  […]

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Tuesday, June 1 2010

Home Grown Talent

[caption id="attachment_3021" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Photo courtesy and copyright of Barbara Macleod"][/caption]One of the biggest problems facing communities such as Assynt is the lack of jobs for younger folk.  Inevitably, after finishing  […]

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Thursday, March 18 2010

Strange Paths

When you start something new, as I did a couple of years back when I began Ripples Crafts, you simply have no idea what paths such beginnings will take you down.  Now while I'm accustomed to walking,   sometimes the paths are interesting, but completely outside of your normal walking zone.  I found  […]

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Sunday, March 15 2009

Changing Seasons

I forgot to say a huge thank you in my last posting for all the compliments that I received for my Girasole blanket. I really cannot recommend this pattern highly enough. And I believe it is right to support designers such as Jared Flood, as it is a tough world for knitwear designers who are not  […]

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