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Sunday, February 7 2010

Sunday Walks

Umm .... there wasn't one today.However, yesterday Stevan travelled north to go to a meeting, and his journey took us along one of our favourite drives - the drive between Kylesku and Durness.  The light in this part of the world always throws up surprisingly beautiful photographic opportunities,  […]

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Thursday, July 2 2009

When did that happen?

My Mum recently sent me some great photographs.  She'd been digging out old 35mm slides and converting them to digital photographs, and there was one of me when I was very young (3 to be precise):That's me, second from the left.  Then, a few years later and slightly older, but looking like the total  […]

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Monday, May 25 2009

Evening Light

I know I harp on about the wonderful light that is to be found in Sutherland.  This part of the world can be a photographer's dream.  This evening at 9.45pm we went outside because we realised the light was just perfect for photographing.Even one of the sheep deigned to pose for me:And when I swung  […]

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Sunday, April 26 2009

Warning: Extreme Cuteness Content

On cue, the first lambs arrived during the night.  One set of twins, and a single lamb.  Here is Davy with the first set of twins:And this new mum with her lamb has taken over Lexie's looking out spot:But Lexie doesn't seem to mind too much.  She's more interested in making friends with the new  […]

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Thursday, February 26 2009

Fair Exchange?

Most days the dogs get a walk up to Lexies Loch or Water Loch, and the route we take means walking past a very old, windswept willow whose roots lie in a small burn.  We always stop to keep the old tree company for a little while, as it is all on it's own.It is astonishing that this willow is still  […]

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Sunday, February 8 2009

Sunday Snow

This morning dawned very cold and we awoke to a good dusting of snow. It makes the world look so pretty, especially when the sun is shining, making the snow glisten. Canisp looked like it was a mini volcano this morning, with the snow blowing off the top of it.We had to have a run into Lochinver,  […]

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Thursday, January 15 2009

There was a little girl .....

"There was a little girlWithout a little curlRight in the middle of her foreheadAnd when she was good, she was very, very goodAnd when she was bad, she was horrid"(With apologies to Longfellow)My mum got a new toy for Christmas.  It gives her the wherewithall to take old 35mm slides and  […]

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Tuesday, January 6 2009

Sad goodbyes but happy memories

We've had such a lovely week with our visitors, Neil and Gilly. Sadly, though, they had to leave this morning to head back south, perhaps even to snow! The weather has been glorious while they've been here, and yesterday we took advantage of the beautifully clear day, and set off in the car for a  […]

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Sunday, January 4 2009

Winter Light

We've had some incredible weather over the last few days.  Clear, crisp days, ideal for walking.  We decided to visit the lighthouse and Stevan took some fantastic photographs, but this one is particularly lovely:Stoer Lighthouse was built in 1870.  It was one of Stevenson's lighthouses and  […]

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Thursday, January 1 2009

January 1st, 2009

Happy New Year!  What a year 2008 was.  If someone had sat me down this time last year and told me all that was ahead, I think I would have crawled back under the duvet and refused to come out.  But on the whole I think it's been an extremely positive year.  A lot of very good things have happened,  […]

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Monday, December 29 2008

Icy Cold!

Somebody has turned down the thermostat outside.  It is icy cold, with little prospect of any change over the next few days, so soon the lochs will be frozen and we can skate stones across them.Today was meant to include a trip down to Inverness for some last minute shopping for Hogmanay, but by the  […]

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Thursday, December 25 2008

Christmas Day

Stevan and I enjoy celebrating Christmas in a fairly quiet way.  Our day began rather late, and after a phone call to Australia to see how Mum and Dad had enjoyed their day, we set off with the dogs for a walk in the hills.  We didn't have a traditional white Christmas, but a rather mild one.  The  […]

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Wednesday, December 10 2008

Night Images

It's very nearly full moon here in Assynt, and tonight we've got clear, starry skies.  I thought it would be a great opportunity to try out my Christmas present from Stevan.  Of course it was impossible to see anything through the viewfinder on my camera, so I aimed in the general direction of Stoer  […]

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