Tag - Category:Wonderwool Wales 2012

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Sunday, July 20 2014

Finding little surprises


Today is the open day for the local Lochinver RNLI station.  I misread the poster, and so we arrived far too early for the festivities!  So we decided to have a walk into Culag Woods, following a path we'd not walked before.  We climbed fairly quickly and soon had a great view out over Lochivner  […]

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Sunday, July 22 2012

RNLI Brave Lads and Lasses

Earlier in the year you may remember that I decided that I would dye a particular colourway called "Brave Lads and Lasses" in recognition of the incredible work done by our local RNLI station in Lochinver.  The RNLI is manned entirely by volunteers and receives no state funding, relying  […]

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Monday, February 20 2012

Making a small difference

In comparison to most businesses, Ripples Crafts is tiny.  Just a speck of dust that can only be seen under the microscope of business.  I doubt I even qualify as that current favourite with politicians, the SME (small to medium enterprise).  But I have always believed that if everyone did  […]

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