Next week, in Lochinver, I'll be holding a day of knitting lessons. While the focus will be on knitting with double pointed needles and lace knitting, it is a day that is open to those of all knitting ability, or even no knitting ability! There is room for all. Below you'll see the poster […]
Tag - Category:Willow Weaving
Friday, July 9 2010
Do you need to retreat?
Friday, July 9 2010. Mungo
Some of you may be aware that I am involved in a group up in Assynt called Top Left Corner. Mandy, who is the power force behind Top Left Corner, has, for some years, been running writers retreats at Glencanisp Lodge, but she has now taken the decision to open the retreats to everyone who is […]
Tuesday, June 1 2010
Home Grown Talent
Tuesday, June 1 2010. Assynt
[caption id="attachment_3021" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Photo courtesy and copyright of Barbara Macleod"][/caption]One of the biggest problems facing communities such as Assynt is the lack of jobs for younger folk. Inevitably, after finishing […]
Sunday, May 30 2010
Sunday, May 30 2010. Fashion
Not tender, loving care, but Top Left Corner.Regular readers of my blog will know that the area we live in, Assynt, is a vibrant community, and there is always something new happening and always something to be involved in. Well, over the course of the last couple of years, I've come into contact […]