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Saturday, December 24 2011

A musical interlude

The week running up to Christmas is always a busy one for most folk.  There are presents to wrap, food to buy, and people to see.  Furthermore, in places such as Assynt, you run the risk of hibernating for winter and not seeing many folk at all, but fortunately events are organised which get you out  […]

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Saturday, May 21 2011


For some reason I've never really liked the word "fusion".  It has always sounded a little pretentious to me.  And I don't do pretentious!  But when I thought about it for 5 seconds I realised that I've led a life that could be summed up by that very word.Growing up in Africa, but with  […]

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Thursday, February 17 2011

The soothing songs of burns

While Rabbie Burns may be the one most famous for songs in Scotland, we are very fortunate to have a singing burn out the front of our house.  There is nothing quite like lying in bed in the morning listening to the babbling outside the window.  It is very restful.There are 3 small drops in the  […]

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Saturday, April 3 2010


In the UK the word "hoodies" often conjours up an image of a young person wearing a hooded sweatshirt or jacket.  Unfortunately the UK police and media were responsible in creating a whole "hoodie image" which resulted in the ludicrous situation where anyone wearing a hoodie  […]

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Thursday, July 30 2009

Of stoats and men*

* With apologies to John Steinbeck!We've been wondering why the birdseed and peanuts in the feeders have been disappearing at a rate of knots, and now we know who may be to blame:Isn't he beautiful?On Tuesday evening we had a real treat.  I have mentioned on this blog in the past how fortunate we  […]

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Saturday, September 6 2008

The Longest Day

Yesterday started bright and early, and with much anticipation.  We set off from home just before 7.00am, with our neighbour's trailer in tow.  It was an absolutely stunning morning, and while I did have my camera with me, we knew there was a long way to go, so we simply had to push on past all  […]

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