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Sunday, June 21 2015

Sunday Walks - Sea Thrift


At this time of year the sea thrift is stunning - dotted along the cliffs you'll find little patches of pink dancing in the light breezes.  To say that the summer, thus far, has been abysmal would be putting a gloss on how the weather has been over the past few weeks, but today it was beautifully  […]

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Tuesday, April 21 2015

Monday Walks


I know I've said this before, but being self employed means that if the weather is absolutely glorious it is a crime not to take advantage of it, sneak off for a good walk, and then catch up with work when the weather isn't too good.  And, with snow and cold weather forecast for next week, we  […]

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Sunday, August 24 2014

Sunday Walks


Peggy and I were on our own today for our Sunday Walk.  We headed up to one of my favourite lochs (currently nameless on most maps that we've found), and then headed along the top of the hills to Lexie's Loch.  After what feels like days (and nights) of rain, the ground was pretty soggy underfoot,  […]

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Tuesday, July 22 2014

On the road ..... again!


This week will find me on my way to Kelso to the Border Union Agricultural Show.  Today was glorious in Assynt, and so I took the opportunity to do a good sort out of the yarn I am taking with me.  I certainly got my dose of Vitamin D today.Here of some of the hanks I'll be bringing with me:The  […]

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Monday, June 9 2014

Glorious June


This is a very special time of year in Assynt.  The flora really begin to come into their own, and if you're lucky as we have been this year, you get an extra special display of wild flowers in June.  During May we were treated to a bumper crop of primroses  before the numerous bluebells and tiny  […]

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Sunday, February 9 2014

Colour Work


It has been all about colour this week.   I have been putting together new colours on the Warm Hearted Aran base, some of which sold out very quickly!  The most popular colourway was Festive Lights, a colour which, up to now, I've only done on the Reliable Sock Yarn base, but which I decided to test  […]

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Sunday, August 18 2013

Our garden

Prunella vulgaris?

We are terrible gardeners.  There can be no beating about the bush - we are awful.  Which is pretty shameful given what a fantastic gardener my father is.  We would love to be better gardeners but neither of us have the discipline to pay the constant attention needed to keep things growing.However,  […]

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Sunday, August 4 2013

Sunday Walks


With a refreshing breeze blowing today, our walk was a pleasure.  It was our first "proper" walk together since Stevan had his thumb operation, and while the pumping blood caused him quite a bit of discomfort he managed well, and got some cracking photographs.  The hills are looking  […]

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Wednesday, July 10 2013

Coming over all Sir Walter Scott-ish


After a few days of dreich, misty weather and being envious of the rest of the country sweltering in high summer temperatures, today was one of those days where you wouldn't want to be anywhere else in the world other than the Highlands.Walking the dogs  took a while today, even though it was a  […]

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Thursday, August 23 2012

A special time of year

At this time of year the hills smell like honey.  Heather Honey.  It is a wonderful smell and one not easily forgotten.  The heather in the hills around Assynt are a myriad of colours ranging from pure white to deep, deep purple.It is impossible not to get coated in the pollen from the heather as  […]

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