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Sunday, February 13 2011

All in a spin

Well despite the lusciousness of the fibre I showed you yesterday, I'm afraid that when I got out my spinning wheel it was another coil of fibre which called me:[caption id="attachment_3875" align="aligncenter" width="419" caption="Be my  […]

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Saturday, February 12 2011

Fibre Fiend

I'd forgotten just how much fun it is to dye fibre.  I've been trying to get back into it and I'm enjoying myself!Now I need to dust off the spinning wheel and see how it spins up.

Sunday, March 1 2009

Misty Clouds

Earlier this week when I was hard at work in the workshop, Stevan took the dogs for a walk in the mist. It was quite a warm day, given it was February, but the mist had descended shrouding all the tops of the hills around our home. He came back with some great photographs, but the best was probably  […]

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Thursday, June 26 2008

Settling In

There were a few rather practical issues that needed our attention this week. For a start, the "lawn" required a little loving care!To give ourselves a bit of breathing space from the unpacking, sorting out, reorganisation, and general chaos, we took ourselves off to the hills for a walk.  […]

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