Dyeing: The Fibre is up in the shop. I'm really enjoying the fibre dyeing again. I've had a bit of a break from it, but with encouragement from someone who's opinion I value and who very kindly said she loved my dyed fibre, I decided to get back into it. So there it is. I hope you like it. At […]
Tag - Category:Shetland 2010
Tuesday, February 15 2011
Dyeing, Knitting, and a bit of Admiring the View
Tuesday, February 15 2011. Knitting
Thursday, July 29 2010
A bit of learning
Thursday, July 29 2010. Archeology
Next week, in Lochinver, I'll be holding a day of knitting lessons. While the focus will be on knitting with double pointed needles and lace knitting, it is a day that is open to those of all knitting ability, or even no knitting ability! There is room for all. Below you'll see the poster […]