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Sunday, December 13 2015

Introducing .........


Canisp - a visiting yarn in the Ripples Crafts fold.[caption id="attachment_8544" align="aligncenter" width="772"] Fresh Grass[/caption]Canisp is a 4ply yarn, and the fibre content is 70% Merino, 20% Silk and 10% Cashmere and comes in a 100g hank.  Each hank contains  […]

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Sunday, November 16 2014

Knitting time


My current project is a cardigan called Chance of Showers, by the designer Heidi Kirrmaier.   Some of you may see the similarities between this design and an earlier design of hers called Vitamin D.I am working in one of my favourite yarns - sport weight.  "Sport Weight" is not a term for  […]

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Saturday, November 15 2014

Autumn Light


At this time of year, on sunny days, the light can be fabulous.  Taking time to appreciate the light really can help on driegh days when everything seems grey and miserable.Lexie has been pretty poorly this week, so Peggy and I were on our own today when we took to the hills for a short walk.  The  […]

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Monday, April 14 2014

And the winner is ............

Nameless Hat Five

 I'm sorry it has been so long since Woolly Wormhead and I asked you to come up with a name for her hat which she has designed in Ripples Crafts Warm Hearted Aran yarn.  It has been a busy few weeks, and there were a couple of small delays on the finalising of the pattern, so we decided to hold off  […]

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Sunday, February 9 2014

Colour Work


It has been all about colour this week.   I have been putting together new colours on the Warm Hearted Aran base, some of which sold out very quickly!  The most popular colourway was Festive Lights, a colour which, up to now, I've only done on the Reliable Sock Yarn base, but which I decided to test  […]

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Sunday, March 31 2013

Productive Weekend

While parts of the UK have been wet, miserable, and sometimes snowy, as usual we've been having glorious weather.   We had planned to get some good walks in this weekend but unfortunately Lexie is poorly again, and so excietment in the form of walks has been kept to a minimum.However, the lack of  […]

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Sunday, March 3 2013

Sunday Walks - Eadar da Chalda

I know it sometimes seems, judging from my photographs, that it is continuously sunny in Assynt.  Well it isn't!  Today dawned grey, and at times drizzly.  But sometimes such weather only adds atmosphere to walks, and as we set off on a walk near Ardvreck Castle in an area known as Eadar da Chalda,  […]

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Saturday, May 19 2012

Colour Choices

One of the questions I get asked most often at shows when helping folk pick yarn for a multi-colour project is "which colours do you think go together?"  I find it awfully difficult to advise, as I know what colours I love together, but I'm reluctant to press my opinion on to others.  But  […]

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Friday, May 18 2012

The Knitting World

I love knitting - but then I guess you knew that.Recently I picked up a link on Twitter from Natalie at The Yarn Yard which increased my appreciation of knitting and knitters by showing how smart knitters are.   Knitting is often looked down upon as a hobby which folk with nothing better to do, do,  […]

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Tuesday, May 8 2012


Back in January when I launched a new yarn base called Na Dannsairean I had a strong feeling that it would be popular, and it has proved to be so.  I also knew what I wanted to knit with it as soon as I saw it dyed up.[caption id="attachment_5268" align="aligncenter"  […]

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Wednesday, April 18 2012

Time away

Sorry to have been so absent from the blog for the last week or so.  I have a good excuse though ... I've been on my travels.  This time last Wednesday I was just settling down to a lovely evening with my friend Liz, and her husband Roger, chatting over the plans for the forthcoming shows in  […]

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Tuesday, March 27 2012

Royal Mail versus Knitters

Running a small business is never easy, and I am always trying my best to keep costs to an absolute minimum.  I have always been very transparent when it comes to postal charges, and these have always been charged at cost.  I have not added an additional charge for the packaging as I have built the  […]

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Thursday, March 8 2012

Postal Surprises

It has been a wonderful week for postal surprises.The first postal surprise wasn't really a surprise in that I knew it was coming, but I still had a wonderful time ripping open the parcel to have a look.  My sister in Australia had knitted me another Venomous Tentacula to contrast with the one which  […]

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Tuesday, March 6 2012

A perfect likeness

One of the things I spend so much time over is photographs for the website.  I find it very hard and at times extremely frustrating.  I tend not to adjust colours at all, but I sometimes adjust the white balance to make the background a little less intrusive.  And despite the care I take, you can  […]

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Sunday, March 4 2012


I am sorry to have been so quiet over the last week - it has just been a tad busy around the dyeshed.I have been dyeing up a storm with the new yarn bases in preparation for shows which begin in April.  I've been updating the shop all week with bits and pieces, and it has been disappearing quickly  […]

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Sunday, February 19 2012

Productive Weekend

Stevan and I both need socks.  And given that sock wool is something we're not short of, it is very silly that we're so short of socks.  But time to hand knit socks is rather lacking, so in an effort to make Stevan's socks respectable ones (and not the very holey ones he currently sports), I got out  […]

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Wednesday, February 15 2012


The word "venomous" makes me instantly think of snakes.   Growing up in Southern Africa there were some seriously venomous snakes, and ones that weren't so venomous, but it was never worth risking your identification skills!  However this Venomous is not at all mean:I love this little  […]

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Sunday, February 12 2012


I've been thinking for a while now about what name I can give the new silk which, I hope, will be up in the shop this evening.  It is luxurious and silky (obviously!) and lustrous.Every time I wondered about a name I kept getting an image in my head of the luxurious, silky moss that is to be found  […]

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Friday, February 3 2012

Expectant Terrier

Not expectant as in expecting little terriers:But expectant in terms of expecting her boss to feed her apple!It is not often that she sits still long enough to have a proper portrait taken of her, but you can work wonders with a bit of sweet apple.  However such hard concentration means a terrier  […]

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Wednesday, January 25 2012

More news

Thank you for the wonderful response I've had via comments and e-mails and messages on Ravelry to the new na dannsairean yarn.  I'm very excited about it and have spent the whole day in the dyeshed dyeing up a storm today.   Here are the shades from todays work - the photographs are not great as I  […]

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