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Thursday, June 28 2012

Animal Hospital

It has been a bit like an episode from Animal Hospital here this week.  First of all one of our two remaining hens, Bertha, became poorly.  At 3 years she was old for the type of hen she was, so it was not surprising that when we went to put them away on Wednesday evening we found she'd gone on to  […]

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Friday, May 6 2011

A bit of this and a pinch of that

There is a whole mix of things to tell you about today, so no real theme to this blog entry other than to say it's "a bit of this and a pinch of that".Assynt has been experiencing a very dry few weeks.  Normally this wouldn't be too much of an issue, but on Sunday a dreadful grass fire  […]

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Friday, April 29 2011

Washing Lines

To be honest, it is really only in the summer that we have the opportunity of using our washing line for drying washed clothes.  But throughout the year I use it for another purpose - drying yarn.  Those of you familiar with my logo and the header at the top of my web pages will be familiar with the  […]

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Monday, April 25 2011

The first wee ones

We've been looking forward to day for a while now:The lambs are making a return:And fortunately Peggy is close at hand to keep an eye on things!:The mother seems completely unperturbed that there is dog so close to its newborn lamb.  I think they've become so used to Peggy and Lexie they simply  […]

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Wednesday, May 5 2010

A new wee soul

Just a few minutes old.The weather has turned wet and cold again, and I always feel so sorry for the poor lambs born into a cold, drizzly world.  But the mums do their best to keep them warm and sheltered.  A croft backs on to our garden, and they use our fence for shelter so we get to see some  […]

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Sunday, May 2 2010

Spring must be here!

It's that time of year again .......Yes, our first lambs are starting to appear around the croft:That's a very new little lamb.Peggy, however, remains unimpressed, preferring the company of our daffodils:The club yarn will be in the post on Tuesday.  I am now gearing up for the Perth Knitting Show  […]

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Saturday, August 22 2009

Good Friends

We've had one of our closest and oldest friends visiting this weekend.  And so what else should I have done but set him to work:So we are now prepared for the arrival of 3 or 4 young ladies.  Hens, to be precise.  They won't be with us until later in the year, but we've got a cosy new home for  […]

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Thursday, May 7 2009

What's that??

Did I hear someone say "more lambs, please?".  Okay .... just a couple more.  These are beautiful hebridian lambs.  The camera had difficulty coping with their colouring, but I have to admit, they are lovely!And finally, the last lamb picture.  This one was taken this morning just as I was  […]

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Monday, May 4 2009

More Lambs - by special request!

Someone (who shall remain nameless) wanted more lambs.  So here you are!  This was a young lamb which had only recently been born, close to the water's edge in Stoer:This mum and her lamb were right alongside an extremely historic site in the area.   It is an ancient broch.Although it is spring, the  […]

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Sunday, April 26 2009

Warning: Extreme Cuteness Content

On cue, the first lambs arrived during the night.  One set of twins, and a single lamb.  Here is Davy with the first set of twins:And this new mum with her lamb has taken over Lexie's looking out spot:But Lexie doesn't seem to mind too much.  She's more interested in making friends with the new  […]

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Wednesday, April 22 2009


Only a couple more days to go ....Soon the croft field that surrounds our home is going to be filled with the sounds of lambs looking for their mums, and ewes looking for their lambs.   When there are no sheep in this particular field, Lexie sometimes wanders around it, climbing to the highest point  […]

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