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Wednesday, November 21 2012

Back home and back to work

My flight home from Perth was remarkably uneventful, and on both of the long legs I had a spare seat next to me, so there was a bit of space to spread out which was great.  It is amazing how much just that extra bit of space on a flight can make.It has taken a couple of days to stop feeling  […]

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Monday, December 20 2010

Winter Solstice

[caption id="attachment_3643" align="aligncenter" width="640" caption="Winter Solstice"][/caption]The 21st December marks the Winter Solstice in the northern hemisphere, so the days will soon be getting longer again.   The above photo was taken at 9.45pm in  […]

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Wednesday, December 8 2010

Fingers Crossed

At the moment it looks like this outside:However tomorrow I'm hoping that all the snow and ice will disappear and everyone will be able to move about freely, as Friday sees the start of the Assynt Christmas Food and Craft Fayre.  We have a wonderful array of stands this year, including the well  […]

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Saturday, November 7 2009


I've had such a great response to these.  However all those that I now have on order are reserved, so I'm looking in to getting some more printed.  All of you who have already contacted me are on the list for one, and when they arrive I'll contact you.  Anyone who contacts me after this posting will  […]

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