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Monday, May 13 2013

SKOS 2013


This past Friday saw me and my Ripples Crafts yarn heading towards Glenrothes in Fife, towards the new venue for Scotland's Knitting Only Show which some of you may remember has, in the past, been held at Perth Racecourse.   Rothes Hall had many advantages over Perth Racecourse, but I think the main  […]

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Saturday, April 27 2013

Spring has sprung?


Despite it being the end of April the weather still isn't behaving as though spring is here.  It is decidedly chilly, and this morning there was a new sprinkling of snow on the hill tops.  But the daffodils are looking stunning in full bloom, and the days are lengthening beautifully now, with the  […]

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Tuesday, February 12 2013

Ripples Crafts Gigs

An email from the organisers of Woolfest popped into my inbox yesterday, confirming that I have once again been granted a stand at Woolfest 2013.  I'm thrilled to be going again this year.  But the email prompted me to write a blog post about the other shows already booked for 2013.The first event  […]

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Friday, May 11 2012

On the road again!

Just popping in to say I'll be away for a couple of days.  I'm taking all the Ripples Crafts yarn to Perth Racecourse today to Scotland's Knitting Only Show which is held on Saturday from 10.00am to 4.00pm.  If you're in the neighbourhood, pop in and say hello.  It is one of my favourite shows as it  […]

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Monday, March 7 2011

Back to Work!

After a relaxing couple of days in Edinburgh it was back to the dye pots this morning.  I have a lot of dyeing to do, as I have a number of opportunities to meet customers old and new this year, beginning in April when I will be in Darlington at A Fine Yarn (no website at present - it's being  […]

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Saturday, January 29 2011

Not sure what to say ....

It wasn't the brightest of starts to the weekend this morning.  I had an email to say that I had not been allocated a stand at Woolfest 2011.   I'm pretty devastated by the news, because I so much enjoy Woolfest and meeting folk.  I really can't  express my disappointment at not being allocated a  […]

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Thursday, May 13 2010

Chaotically Organised!

Although the weather is trying its best to prove me wrong, the cycle of summer shows begins this Saturday in Perth.  Scotland's Knitting Only Show is held at Perth Racecourse on Saturday 15th May from 10.00 to 4.00pm.  And as you can see, I'm all prepared!