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Sunday, September 20 2015


Alison, Tim's wedding_v1

This is the hardest blog entry I've had to write to date.   I barely know how to begin.  But the reality is that my sister, Alison, died last week.  As some of you will know, it wasn't unexpected, but as many will say no matter how expected it just doesn't prepare you for the shock of being told  […]

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Tuesday, December 16 2014

Sweetly modelled

Drumbeg, looking towards Handa Island in the north west

Earlier in the year I posted a small version of Ravi Junior off to my nephew and his wife, new parents to young Rosie.  It was only last year the Martin and Avery visited us in Clachtoll: [caption id="attachment_6508" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Drumbeg, looking  […]

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Tuesday, December 2 2014

Big Sis


I can't quite believe that my oldest sister had quite a "significant birthday" this week.She only had a couple of years on her own with Mum and Dad before her world was invaded by a new sister.She took her "big sis" duties very seriously, clearly!  And before long she had 2  […]

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Monday, August 18 2014

A long time ago, in a galaxy far away ....


The other day on Twitter there was discussion about bookshelves, and various folk I know posted "shelfies".  I added my own shelfie, but the whole discussion got me looking more closely at some of the books in our bookcases.  One book, larger than the others, stuck out slightly because of  […]

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Tuesday, May 20 2014

It was well received


My little parcel finally made it to Brisbane and to the recipient of the "Love" dress - my great-niece Felicity.Felicity's Mum is awfully apologetic that Felicity looks rather grumpy in the pictures and refused a smile, but I think she looks just gorgeous.  No, no, I'm no biased at all,  […]

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Tuesday, December 31 2013



As 2013 draws to a close I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all my lovely customers for their wonderful support during the year.  It has been a busy, and at times positively hectic, year.Looking back before I look forward to 2014 I must say that there have been some real personal highlights.  […]

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Thursday, December 19 2013


Broughty Ferry - 1950's

What a busy few weeks I had while in Australia.  My time there just flew by, and I can hardly believe that I am already back home.  Now I just need to get over the jetlag and I'll be feeling almost myself again.While I was in Brisbane we spent some time going through photographs that my Mum and Dad  […]

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Saturday, December 7 2013

Future Family Memories


Having spent time looking through Mum and Dad's old photographs while I'm here (and believe me, there are many! I'm taking home a 32GB usb stick FULL of photographs), I realised just how important it is to take family photographs.  Before I arrived in Australia my sister, Alison, had arranged for a  […]

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Thursday, December 5 2013



Today began with the retrieval from the back of a cupboard of a suitcase.  A simple, old, rather battered, heavy brown suitcase.I knew that the suitcase held many memories and lots and lots of photographs, but I hadn't expected to find so many treasures.Soon the lounge floor in my Mum and Dad's  […]

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Thursday, October 17 2013

A Special Gift

photo 3-5

I've been working on a special gift for a new, not yet born, member of the family.  She is due to arrive in November, and I am hoping to be close by when she arrives in Brisbane.  My sister assures me that my niece does not read my blog, so she will hopefully stick to that rule and not see the gift  […]

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Friday, September 20 2013

An event, just a smidgeon over 21 years ago

Helen's Dedication, Usher 1961_v1

[caption id="attachment_6800" align="aligncenter" width="419"] My family at my christening[/caption] 

Saturday, July 6 2013

Some weeks are more tricky than others!


It hasn't been the easiest of weeks.As I alluded to in my last post, Stevan hurt his thumb a couple of weeks ago.  He was attempting to fix and start our back up petrol generator which we use when the wind and sun fail us and the batteries are low on power.  The starter cable for the generator  […]

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Sunday, June 16 2013

Family time

Martin and Avery with the split rock which gives Clachtoll its name

It has been really lovely to have Martin and Avery visit us over the last couple of days.  They are spending their honeymoon in Paris and Scotland, and it has been a delight to show them our small corner of Scotland.[caption id="attachment_6502" align="aligncenter"  […]

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Friday, June 14 2013

Continued Radio Silence


I'm afraid it has been all about hard work over the last couple of weeks.  Woolfest is looming and I still have quite a bit of dyeing to do before I'm satisfied that I have enough choice for folk who are coming to that event.  To say nothing of trying to finish knitting samples!  I'm on Sleeve  […]

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Wednesday, May 8 2013

A Diamond Pair

Mum and Dad on the left

It is our parent's 60th Wedding Anniversary.  Happy Anniversary Mum and Dad!Mum and Dad met in London, and romance blossomed.  Their first date was unusual, to say the least.  The whole family went![caption id="attachment_6413" align="aligncenter" width="482"] Mum and  […]

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Monday, May 6 2013

One of the best

Uncle Bob, 1945

It was with great sadness that we received the news last week of the death of Uncle Bob.  We don't have a huge circle of extended family members - as families go we're pretty compact.  But even if we had been a large family, Uncle Bob would have featured hugely simply because he was just that sort  […]

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Friday, February 15 2013

Surprise Packages

An Australian stamp marked package arrived a while ago, from my Mum.  I ripped it open, and inside was this:When I was in Australia I greatly admired my Mum's picnic tablecloth which came out every day we were out and about having a home made lunch, or feasting on fish and chips.  So she made me  […]

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Tuesday, January 15 2013

Over 4 decades ago

As someone who never considers herself to be the age she actually is, it came as a bit of  a shock to me this week when my Mum reminded me that it was 43 years ago this week that our family arrived in South Africa to start a new and very different life.Our long journey began at Southampton docks,  […]

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Saturday, November 17 2012

Almost time to pack my bags again

This evening I head back to Scotland.  I have had a wonderful time in Australia with my family and of course I'll be so sad to leave, but I'm heading home which is always welcome.  I know there will be Stevan, 2 dogs and 5 hens that will be pleased to have me home.Yesterday Sheena and I took a  […]

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Friday, November 16 2012

G'day from WA

I'm in Perth at the moment, spending a few days with my sister Sheena.We've had a great time walking, talking, eating (I've discovered that I'm rather partial to lemon curd and pistachio muffins!  If anyone has a recipe ...... please let me know) and whale spotting.Our first walk involved Bob,  […]

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