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Sunday, July 3 2016



I can't believe Woolfest has come and gone.  So much preparation goes into big shows such as Woolfest, Yarndale, Edinburgh Yarn Festival, etc, and then, in a flash, it is over.  I have to admit, though, that when I see my stand set up I do feel a sense of pride knowing that everything on the stand  […]

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Saturday, June 4 2016

Missing, but not Lost


My poor blog has been dreadfully neglected over the last few weeks, but to say that May didn't go quite according to plan would be an understatement!My trip to Australia was good.  It was wonderful to catch up with family, meet new family members, do a fund raising walk in memory of my sister,  […]

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Monday, June 29 2015

Woolfest 2015


I can hardly believe that Woolfest is over for another year. Wednesday last week found Stevan, myself, and the two dogs, driving south to the small village of Brigham just outside Cockermouth, to our small home for a few days.  It couldn't have been more handy for the Mart where Woolfest is held -  […]

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Thursday, June 18 2015

In the Loop 4 - Glasgow 2015 (and other things)


My only visit to Shetland was back in 2010 when I was fortunate enough to be able to go to the In the Loop Conference held in Lerwick.   As I said right at the beginning of this blog post I'd waited for many a year to hold a plane ticket which would mean I was flying to Shetland.   The Conference  […]

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Tuesday, February 17 2015

Work, work, work ....


It has been ALL about work in recent weeks, so I do apologise for being absent from the blog for so long.  I'm dyeing up a storm for Edinburgh Yarn Festival which takes place in just 4 weeks time.   Here is just a handful of yarns waiting for labelling.  I've rented a van to get everything down to  […]

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Monday, June 30 2014

Woolfest 2014

Woolfest is over for another year.  Hard to believe how it has just whizzed by!  Yet again the Woolclip organised a lovely, friendly event.   As usual I was very remiss in not taking enough photographs, and so I apologise as there are no photographs capturing other stands, or the animals, or even  […]

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Tuesday, June 24 2014

Woolfest 2014 - I'm Ready! (I think.....)


I must apologise for it having been so quiet on the blog of late.  I have been working all hours in the dye shed dyeing up a storm for Woolfest which takes place in Cumbria later this week.  Added to that we have been back and forth across to the east coast with a very poorly Westie, and so time  […]

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Sunday, June 15 2014

Yarn Club Influences


Because of Woolfest at the end of June, I am dyeing the club yarns a wee bit earlier this month so that they are ready to post on my return from Woolfest.  If you were wanting to join either of the clubs currently running (i.e. the Post Office Run Yarn Club and the Assynt Storms Yarn Club), then  […]

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Monday, July 1 2013

Woolfest 2013 (subtitled "Wow!")

Dorothy and Lizzi making sure they're in the right place

"Wow!" about sums up Woolfest 2013.  What a show.  We were so busy on the stand that despite having both Dorothy and Lizzi helping me none of us really had a chance to go and have a look around the rest of the show.We set off for Cumbria on Wednesday, and were able to relax on Thursday  […]

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Sunday, June 23 2013

The build up has begun


It is very hard to believe that this time next week Woolfest 2013 will all be over!  The build up to it this year seems to have been fairly relaxed for me, but looking back I've really been working towards it since early in January.  I did a lot of dyeing over the winter months, and while I'm sure  […]

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Tuesday, February 12 2013

Ripples Crafts Gigs

An email from the organisers of Woolfest popped into my inbox yesterday, confirming that I have once again been granted a stand at Woolfest 2013.  I'm thrilled to be going again this year.  But the email prompted me to write a blog post about the other shows already booked for 2013.The first event  […]

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Wednesday, January 23 2013

Highland Light

I was pretty occupied today dispatching the first lot of orders for Heather's GOLD and dyeing up the next batch for orders which came in yesterday and today (and which will go out on Friday), so Stevan was on his own today when he took the dogs for their walk.  We've not had the quantities of snow  […]

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Sunday, June 24 2012

Woolfest 2012

Woolfest is over for another year - it seems hard to believe that it has been and gone in a whirl of rain (rain, and more rain), wind, wool, friendly people, good food, and lovely surroundings.We set off from Assynt on Wednesday morning last week in absolutely glorious sunshine:[caption  […]

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Sunday, June 17 2012

Some finished items

I'm afraid to say that none of the following finished items are ones that I have finished!  But I am always thrilled to see finished items using my hand dyed yarn - after 4 years it still gives me a real buzz to see folk making such beautiful things using yarn which I have dyed in my little  […]

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Sunday, June 10 2012

This 'n That

I have been dyeing from dawn to dusk for the past few days in preparation for two events coming up over the next 2 weeks.  The first event is a new one for me, and for the organisers, Karelia House near Aberfeldy.  I met Shirley, who started up Karelia House, at the Perth knitting show a couple of  […]

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Saturday, February 4 2012

Quite a week!

It has been quite a week at Ripples Crafts HQ this week.  At the end of last week I received a copy of the German edition of The Knitter magazine.  They contacted me towards the end of last year to say they would be featuring Ripples Crafts in an article, and to be honest I had completely forgotten  […]

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Wednesday, January 25 2012

More news

Thank you for the wonderful response I've had via comments and e-mails and messages on Ravelry to the new na dannsairean yarn.  I'm very excited about it and have spent the whole day in the dyeshed dyeing up a storm today.   Here are the shades from todays work - the photographs are not great as I  […]

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Saturday, June 25 2011

Build Up

I always find building the stand one of the trickiest things about attending a show.  I love meeting the people who come to my stand, that really isn't a hard job - but creating the stand and making it look inviting and enticing is something I find very hard.  (can you hear the violins playing?!)So  […]

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Wednesday, June 22 2011

Home for a few days

After a long, tiring, 10 hour drive, Mungo, Stella and I arrived at our home for the next few days.Not a bad view either!:It is lovely to be back at Mosser Howe.Tomorrow is set up day for Woolfest.  And my good friend, Liz, will be joining us at Mosser Howe tomorrow too after which I'm sure much  […]

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Monday, June 20 2011

If you could see me now!

I am in the final, panic-ridden stages of preparing for Woolfest at the end of this week.  Will I have enough yarn.  Do I have the right balance and mix of colours?  Do I have the right mix of bases?  Will I have room in Mungo for everything I want to take?  Will people come?  Will they like my  […]

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