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Monday, April 15 2013

He doesn't often get a word in ....


Stevan picked up on Lizzie's comment regarding pronunciation after my last post.  To a certain extent the names are there just to make it easier for you to find yarn on the website if you want to buy it again, but what he had to say was interesting, so I thought I'd pass it on:Lizzie was asking  […]

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Sunday, April 14 2013

Shetland Yarn gets an Old Name

Pattern: Stevenson Gauntlets (Colours of Shetland)  Designer: Kate Davies

It was pointed out to me this week that sometimes it can be difficult to find particular yarn bases on my website quickly, as I don't always print the name of the yarn base on the yarn label.  As a result, I'm slowly working through the different yarn bases which I dye at Ripples Crafts and giving  […]

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