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Saturday, November 16 2013

A tale of two pairs


If you've read my blog for a while you'll know my love/hate relationship with my knitting machine.  But there is no denying that it can produce a pair of socks far more quickly than I can by hand knitting them, especially if they are to fit larger feet.  This weekend I completed two pairs of socks -  […]

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Monday, April 1 2013

Machine Knitting


Quite a few of you has asked me via the comments, on twitter and on Ravelry, about the knitting machine which I have.Well, to start off with, it is old!  We think we got the machine in around 1984/85, so probably around 29 years old.  It has travelled all over the place with us, from South Africa to  […]

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Sunday, March 31 2013

Productive Weekend

While parts of the UK have been wet, miserable, and sometimes snowy, as usual we've been having glorious weather.   We had planned to get some good walks in this weekend but unfortunately Lexie is poorly again, and so excietment in the form of walks has been kept to a minimum.However, the lack of  […]

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Sunday, February 19 2012

Productive Weekend

Stevan and I both need socks.  And given that sock wool is something we're not short of, it is very silly that we're so short of socks.  But time to hand knit socks is rather lacking, so in an effort to make Stevan's socks respectable ones (and not the very holey ones he currently sports), I got out  […]

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