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Saturday, September 11 2010


Besides the conference the other major highlight of my trip to Shetland was a visit to, and tour of, the Jamieson's mill.[caption id="attachment_3375" align="aligncenter" width="640" caption="Jamieson's, Sandness"][/caption]Jamieson's is perhaps a little less   […]

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Friday, September 10 2010

In the Loop 2 - Shetland 2010

I have waited for many years to see this boarding pass:The In the Loop 2 conference was organised so well!  Linda Newington of Southampton University Library and Dr Carol Christiansen of Shetland Museum Archive had worked so hard to put together a great range of papers.  Inevitably there were some  […]

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Saturday, September 4 2010

Picture Postcards from Shetland

The conference so far has been remarkably tiring on the old brain!  When you've been out of academia for as long as I have, the poor old grey cells take some reawakening. So instead, I leave you with a few post cards from Shetland:[caption id="attachment_3334" align="aligncenter"  […]

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Thursday, September 2 2010

A very fair isle

It seemed so appropriate that my flight to Shetland took me straight over Fair Isle.  And the pilot must have known I was on board and the reason for my trip to Shetland as he made a point of making those of us on the flight aware of the island.  Isn't it beautiful:Internet access is very patchy, so  […]

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Tuesday, August 31 2010

Just in the nick of time

I'm off to Shetland first thing tomorrow morning so over the last few days I've desperately been trying to get a cardigan finished to take with me.  For a change I was not using my own yarn, but instead I was using some Rowan Felted Tweed out of my stash.  And for those of you who are regular users  […]

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Thursday, August 26 2010

Bits 'n Bobs

There's so much going on at the moment that this blog is a bit of a mix of everything.   So bear with me ....Yesterday we had a beautiful, sunny day.  Now weather doesn't really bother me as it does some, but even I would have to admit that we've not had the sunniest or hottest or driest of summers  […]

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