Some time back you may remember that I was whittering on about being terribly nervous as I had been asked to be interviewed on video. Well .... the video is now live. When I set up Ripples Crafts I had (and still have) great moral support from my Business Gateway advisor, David Knight. So when […]
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Thursday, October 13 2011
Hard work!
Thursday, October 13 2011. Archeology

I thought dyeing yarn was hard work, but I know better now. It is harder being photographed!I was under the impression that it would be mostly wool that was being photographed, so I hadn't dressed for the occasion, and given I was busy dyeing wool when the photographer, Angie Catlin, arrived I'm […]
Monday, September 26 2011
Lights, Camera, Action!
Monday, September 26 2011. The Ripples Effect Gallery

We had the lights:We had the Cameras (and the microphone, which is what Steve, the interviewer was fiddling with!):and we had the Action:I was very nervous, but it wasn't long before it was all over. I can't let on just yet what it was all for, but once it is public I'll let you know....... perhaps […]