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Friday, January 19 2018

Scenic Weather

Yesterday found us heading to Inverness, to the funeral of one of our community, Pauline.  She was a larger than life character whose laughter could be heard a long time before you actually saw her.  We were sad to say our goodbyes but it was a lovely service, with many memories of her laughter and  […]

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Friday, July 11 2014

Yet another beach day, and an exciting development


The glorious weather continues in Assynt, and it was yet another beach day today.  But only after a rather important trip to Lochinver Post Office to post off a huge box of yarn to Knockando Wool Mill - some time next week a big box of colour will be arriving at the Mill.  As usual, Flash, the PO  […]

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Sunday, March 23 2014



March can sometimes feel like it is Monochrome Month in the Highlands.  Colour hasn't returned to the hills yet, and they still look grey and brown.  Photographs taken during March sometimes reinforce that sense of monochrome-ness: Skies tend to be leaden and the sea grey:and even the splashes of  […]

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Sunday, November 10 2013

Sunday Walks


We have had the full gamut of weather this past week.  Hail, rain, wind, sunshine, sunshine and showers, and snow (on the tops).  But today was absolutely still, and frosty, and cold.  Perfect for a Sunday walk.  But before we could head off, Stevan had to do some checking of the turbine as we are  […]

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Sunday, March 10 2013

Sunday Walks

After last Sunday's lovely walk it has been an "indoors" kind of week at Lockhart Towers.  I've been huddled over dye pots, trying to get everything I wanted done for the Edinburgh Yarn Festival next Saturday, and Stevan has been hunched over Old Scots texts dating from the 1540's, trying  […]

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Sunday, March 3 2013

Sunday Walks - Eadar da Chalda

I know it sometimes seems, judging from my photographs, that it is continuously sunny in Assynt.  Well it isn't!  Today dawned grey, and at times drizzly.  But sometimes such weather only adds atmosphere to walks, and as we set off on a walk near Ardvreck Castle in an area known as Eadar da Chalda,  […]

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Sunday, February 10 2013

A Mish Mash

A mish mash is such a useful term.  There are all sorts of odds and ends to show you today, and so the description of mish mash fits the bill well.Late last week a padded envelope arrived from my good friend, Gillian.  It was Neil and Gilly who used to bring over Isaac's Sheep for me from South  […]

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Wednesday, February 6 2013

No, I'm NOT house hunting!

To ensure no rumours start to arise out of my last post, we are NOT house hunting!!  But I can tell you no more than that just now.Our drive to and from the little Post Office in Lochinver takes about 15 or 20 minutes, depending on weather conditions and the time of year.  In summer it can take a  […]

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Wednesday, January 23 2013

Highland Light

I was pretty occupied today dispatching the first lot of orders for Heather's GOLD and dyeing up the next batch for orders which came in yesterday and today (and which will go out on Friday), so Stevan was on his own today when he took the dogs for their walk.  We've not had the quantities of snow  […]

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Tuesday, December 11 2012

Winter moves in

Winter is really moving in and setting up home now.   We've had a few days on the run where the temperature has barely been above freezing, and the ground is starting to feel like it won't soften until spring time.   Walking in the hills presents you with risks of a different nature to the rest of  […]

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Tuesday, December 4 2012

More Fresh Air

Following on from the last post, I thought I'd show you these photographs which I took late this afternoon as the sun was setting over the Minch.  It had been a stressful day and when I saw the sun going down I decided to grab my camera, don another layer, and head out to a highpoint.  And this was  […]

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Saturday, April 7 2012

Coming up for a quick breath

It has been a hectic couple of weeks, getting ready for the Trunk Show at A Fine Yarn in Darlington next Friday and Saturday, 13th and 14th April, after which I head straight to the Rheged Centre in Penrith for the World of Wool event taking place there.  I have been dyeing, drying, twisting,  […]

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Saturday, February 18 2012


We've had a bit of weather in Assynt today.   We've not had as much snow as was forecast, but it has been wild nonetheless.We tried to go out for a walk, but we hadn't gone far when hail started pelting our faces, stinging.  Lexie turned tail and legged it back to the house, so we decided she  […]

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Friday, December 16 2011

What a difference a few miles makes!

Yesterday we had a glorious day at Lockhart Towers.  Dry, crisp and sunny - ideal winter weather!  The dogs and I thoroughly enjoyed our walk up into the hills when I was trying to escape my paperwork and here is how the weather looked for us:Stevan, on the other hand, was at an outdoor event about  […]

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Tuesday, December 6 2011

What a difference a few hours make

Sunday afternoon:Monday morning!:I think it is safe to say winter has arrived.  And that black cloud ..... it really did look that black and angry and it was snow laden.

Thursday, August 25 2011

Summer Comes to Assynt

If I'm entirely honest, it hasn't been the best summer that Assynt has ever experienced.  It hasn't been awful, but just a bit ....... bleh!  But this morning summer arrived.  Bright blue skies, sunny and warm, and, the true sign of summer, midges.While working on my shed on the club yarn for next  […]

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Thursday, March 10 2011

Winter is not quite done with us yet.

That white line across the sea is snow.  It is very cold!