
Wow! What a week it was last week.  Early on Thursday morning found us on the road to Edinburgh.  The trailer was absolutely stuffed, as was our little car.   The poor dogs were wondering where they were to squeeze in, I suspect, but we all fitted in and had a trouble free run down to Edinburgh.

[caption id="attachment_8623" align="aligncenter" width="674"]RC-155528-24032016 I suspect Emma, one of the hens, wanted to come too[/caption]

On our arrival at the Corn Exchange we were not surprised, but were very pleased, to be met by helpful volunteers and coffee (or tea) on tap!  When you've been on the road for close to 7 hours it is a lovely way to be welcomed, believe me.  After locating the stand and unloading the boxes, we were ready to set up.  Sorry about the blurry phone photograph but it gives you an idea of how stands look before we get started on set up.  I always forget to take a proper photograph.


About 4 hours later and we were set up ready to welcome customers on Friday morning.


On Friday I was joined by my glamorous assistants, Lizzi (left) and Dorothy (right), who proved as invaluable as always, allowing me time to chat to customers.  I owe them both a huge thank you!


By the end of the second day we were shattered, but very happy.  I have to say that EYF is probably one of the happiest events I attend all year.  Maybe because it is held indoors, and is warm, as opposed to being in an open market where it can be draughty and cold, but I don't think it is only that.  This year it was so apparent that there was a genuine enthusiasm and joy around knitting that I've not often seen at other shows in recent years.  The range of teachers and classes were excellent, and the variety and diversity of stands amazing.  Needless to say I was a hopeless failure when it came to taking photographs, but you only have to search the likes of Instagram to come up with some crackers!

I met some wonderful folk - too many to mention, but I'd like to say a heartfelt "thank you" to all the customers who came out to buy yarn over the 2 days.  The trailer was significantly lighter on the way home!

Not only did I get to meet customers old and new, but I also had the opportunity to talk to other dyers about aspects of the indie dyeing life which is so good.  Having time to chat to Skein Queen about such mundane (but essential) things as indie insurance was so helpful, and also having time to chat to Claudia aka Wollmeise about our approaches and techniques in dyeing when she came onto my stand on Saturday with her husband, Andreas - it was just lovely.   My stand was next to the lovely Maggie from Textile Garden again this year, and yet I failed to go and buy any buttons!   Also close by was Kate Davies and it was lovely to be able to say a very quick hello and squish her new yarn in real life, as well as to catch up with Jen Arnall-Culliford who was helping Kate.  In the closing minutes of the show it was lovely to sit and chat to  Ã…sa Tricosa and while sharing juicy grapes and delicious chocolate muffin/brownies left with me by a kind customer (Thank you Hreow!) we discussed the non yarny delights of sourdough and I finally learned how to pronounce Ã…sa's name (think "AWESOme Ã…sa).

More thank you's .....  and I know that as soon as I hit the publish button on this blog entry I will remember someone else I should have thanked!

Firstly to our friends, Ian and Jacqui, with whom we stay when we're in Edinburgh and who look after us so well.  They understand that at the end of a day on the stand I'm not much use for anything other than to sit quietly in a corner and wibble away to myself.  Jacqui kept us fed and watered splendidly, and they both coped quietly and admirably with Lexie's pacing and senility foibles.  Kipper the cat took everything in her stride too, although I believe she did make it clear who is boss in the house at one point!  Thank you both.  You are true friends.

Thank you to Karie Westermann who took time out to spend half an hour on my stand, chatting to those wanting to know about, and knit, her shawl Frances Herself.

Thank you to all the volunteers who helped so ably over the weekend.  You all did your job with good grace and humour, and I know that without you Edinburgh Yarn Festival simply wouldn't happen.  Thank you.

And the final thank you goes to Jo and Mica - the 2 incredible organisers behind Edinburgh Yarn Festival.  Their patience, attention to detail, obvious enthusiasm for the vendors and teachers and their thoughtfulness is all very much appreciated by me, and I'm sure by all of the vendors.  So thank you both.

In case you're wondering, the dates for Edinburgh Yarn Festival 2017 are already in the diary!
