Perhaps living where we do makes it easier to spot the changing seasons. The landscape has tell tale signs that sometimes you miss in a city, or which can be artificially speeded up when green patches are surrounded by high buildings. Living somewhere where there is little to shield nature from the elements, things move a little more slowly.
At this time of year I love capturing on camera that spring really has arrived at last. Winters can feel very long in Assynt, with short days and very long, sometimes stormy, nights. And we've certainly had our fair share of storms this past winter. Most barely registered on news sites, but we had a full hurricane at one point, although the usual radio and tv weather stations completely failed to warn us about it. So, while we can have fierce storms outwith winter, it is always lovely to see the plants starting to green up and blossom beginning to appear.

There are signs that promise that there will be rhubarb crumble in the not too distant future - with custard, of course!

And my concerns that the mint, which grows wild in the grass around the house, may have failed to survive the winter have proved unfounded (which means cutting the grass in summer with be accompanied by a wonderful minty smell)

The pruned branches from the flowering current which Stevan just stuck into the ground to see if they would take are already flowering

and the Rowan we have outside the front door (originally put in to ward off evil spirits, but which is now used as a huge bird feeder) is starting to get its leaves

The garden is full of birds, and the song of the wren accompanies me in the dye shed each day now as it sits on the fence alongside the shed singing its heart out.
Yes, spring definitely is here.
one reaction
1 From lizzi - 18/04/2015, 22:37