Today we set off on a well trodden route up past the Old Soldier's (which was the focus of March's Yarn Notes from Assynt Club Yarn - more of that below), and up the steep hill behind it to Water Loch which supplies all the water needs of this part of Assynt.

And yes, Stevan IS wearing shorts! However once we reached the summit of the hill he began wondering about his clothing choice when we looked seaward to see an approaching storm:

It was lovely to see that the gorse is in bloom now, and the hills are starting to be covered in a yellow hue in parts. We couldn't smell it today, but on occasion you get an overwhelming smell of coconut from flowering broom:

Heading home again, trying to keep ahead of the storm, we had a wonderful view of Lexie's Loch which was sparkling in the sunshine but the dark storm clouds were not far away:

Once we reach Lexie's Loch, we have a bog which we have to cross. We've named it the "Bog of Eternal Stench" (Labyrinth fans will get the name), and we have crossed it hundreds and hundreds of times. But today I took the slightest detour and learned the hard way that bogs really can't hold up a human. For some reason Lexie followed my example, and had to be rescued by Stevan when she couldn't lift up any of her legs. My boots are now steaming lightly in front of the fire. Lexie, on the other hand, got dipped in her eponymous loch.

We're now all dry, and warming by the fire. Hot Cross Buns have been consumed, and knitting is about to commence. Not a bad way to spend a Sunday.
I alluded to March's "Yarn Notes from Assynt" yarn and subject. Stevan wrote extensive notes about The Old Soldiers, a ruin which isn't too far from our home. It is an extremely restful place, and must have been a wonderful place to live. I wanted to create a colour which reflected the colours found around the ruin. And one picture which I had in my mind when dyeing the yarn was this one which I took a while back of the window sill, and alongside it is the yarn colour I created using a technique called "glazing" and which results in no two hanks being identical:
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One of the Yarn Club members, Anne, has already begun knitting up her hank:

Thank you for the loan of the photograph Anne.
The majority of yarn club members took out a 3 month membership in January, and I was very gratified that all but one renewed their membership for the second quarter. I am currently putting together the yarn for the April parcels, and I've dyed a few extra hanks this month, so if you're wanting to join in the fun you can do so here.
one reaction
1 From Anne - 30/03/2015, 12:42