I think the parcels containing the January edition of Yarn Notes from Assynt have arrived at all the corners of the world where there are members. If you've not had yours yet, then read no further, unless you don't mind having the surprise spoilt.
For January, Stevan and I chose one of our favourite sites in Assynt - The Tacksman's House. What is left of this beautifully located house can be found near Ardvrek Castle, one of the more iconic buildings in Assynt. The Tackman's House is less known, but we always enjoy walking in that area in the summer. As Stevan wrote in his notes, while tourists tend to stand looking towards Ardvreck Castle, the more interesting (in our view) building is up the hill behind them.
When I set up the club towards the end of last year I did say that I wouldn't necessarily use the colours in the picture card that is included in every parcel. However, this month, I did, and when I saw someone holding the yarn and the card together the other day I was really pleased with how it looked.
The feedback from the first month's parcels has been gratifying, with enthusiasm both for the yarn and the card, but especially for Stevan's notes about the house and the surrounding area. There were four pages of information incorporating cultural, historical and geological aspects of this special location.
I've already dyed the yarn for February's parcels, and I've been reading Stevan's notes for next month's chosen site. I'll give you a hint - it includes details from the Yachtman's Pilot, and talks about about a vegetable garden and a composting toilet!
If you want to join the club in time for the posting of February's parcels, join here.
4 reactions
1 From Pat - 18/01/2015, 21:19
2 From Rene - 20/01/2015, 09:33
3 From Barbara Henry - 20/01/2015, 23:25
The January yarn is beautiful, and it is such a neat idea to pair up the yarn with interesting notes on something in your area that you folks have photographed and Stevan has written about. Though it is not realistic for me to join the yarn club ........ I really would be interested in seeing the photograph and write up on the "point or points of interest" that Stevan writes about. No doubt, one can't have one with out the other! Good luck with your yarn club, and I would think the added bonus of the notes/photograph would be a real incentive for people to join.
Weaverly yours ......... Barbara
4 From Hibiscus - 21/01/2015, 04:42