I have been working flat out for the last 10 days, trying to catch up after being laid low with a horrid cold after Yarndale, and so when it looked like the weather today was going to be rather lovely, I took the day off. One of the perks of self employment!
After an extremely lazy morning we headed off for a lovely walk. Autumn has well and truly taken hold here, and Assynt is covered in her autumnal wardrobe. The walk we took today gives us views of a number of smallish lochs, and the deep blue of the lochs was striking against the paler blue of the sky.

We had our final glimpse of the heather for the year - it is all dying off now and we'll not see its colour again until next summer.

There is a shelter at one point on the walk which we've never had to use as a shelter against the weather, but it is a natural stopping off point for a snack and a drink, and the dogs get to slake their thirst too.

And the view from the loch side is stunning. Probably one of my favourite views of Quinag, the mountain which dominates this part of Assynt:

We all feel better for the leg stretching, although Peggy and Lexie are now fast asleep and snoring their heads off. We forget that they're getting on.

Tomorrow it is back to work. For those of you who have ordered your yarn for the Mystery Knit Along with Anne-Lise Maigaard, I have processed all the orders that had been received up to Sunday. I'll be dyeing more tomorrow, and there is still time to get your order in in time for the start of the MKAL. But be quick!
2 reactions
1 From Chris - 15/10/2014, 22:21
Who would begrudge you?
2 From lizzi - 16/10/2014, 13:04
(ducks to dodge flying objects). :-)
Nice pics.