The tide was exceptionally low, and so we took advantage of the fine weather and the low tide and headed down to Stoer beach again. This time we didn't have it quite to ourselves, but there was plenty of room for everyone.

Peggy decided to get a bit too up close and personal and camouflage herself with the seaweed that we struggled to keep our balance on, but which she skipped over with very few problems:

Looking back at the beach as we climbed the hill up towards the village of Stoer it is clear to see where the high tide mark is, and shows how low the tide was today:

Taking a slightly longer route home means that just before we get home there is a burn that is perfect for having a long drink and for washing rather sandy paws (and feet!):

And the exciting development? Well, you remember the Woolly Wren Nest? When we got home from our walk today we discovered that there are definitely baby wrens. Stevan took this photo as he has a lovely long lens on his camera so we don't have to get to close and risk disturbing the nest:

Of course it means that my yarn drying tent is now out of bounds, but hopefully this lovely warm weather will continue and I won't need it.
4 reactions
1 From Alison - 12/07/2014, 00:48
2 From Anne - 12/07/2014, 01:21
3 From Joan McChlery - 12/07/2014, 02:24
4 From Fiona - 13/07/2014, 19:17