Tomorrow sees me on the road again.  This time I won't be going too far but I will be away for a few days.  The shop has been almost emptied, but not quite!

Stevan and I had to huff and puff and squeeze and push, but we managed to get almost everything I wanted to take into Mungo.   I had to compromise and leave a few bits and bobs behind, but if you're planning to come to the Highland Wool Festival in Dingwall on Saturday I don't think you'll be disappointed!  You'll find me in the Cattle Pens, not in the Auction Hall, so do come and find me.

I really don't think I'll manage to pack Mungo with all this stock on my own without Stevan's spacial perception, so do come and buy!


Oh, and further to my previous post Behind the Scenes, the 3 new bookcases didn't arrive in time to be varnished!

So, just to recap - Highland Wool Festival being held at Dingwall Auction Mart on Saturday 24th May from 9.30 to 4.30 - come and find me.