I have quite a few knitting projects on the go.  And no, I am not going to admit to how many .... exactly.  But a few.  Sari hasn't grown much since my last post about her.  Okay, to be honest, it hasn't grown at all!  Not because I have fallen out with her, but because she demands 100% of my concentration with absolutely no distractions.  And it isn't often that I have that kind of free time.  But she is not forgotten.

When I'm busy in the dye shed I can snatch a few rows of knitting while waiting for pots to bubble.  And I love having something to occupy my hands while I keep an eye on the yarn.  But it has to be simple knitting - the sort of thing you can pick up and put down and not have to worry too much about which row you're on.  And then I am also always looking for good samples to knit which will show off my yarns to their best.  Simple and stunning!   I have been working on Floriston for some time now too, as I got "stuck" on the front bands.  She is very nearly complete and I just need to knuckle down and finish those borders.  But again, because the  border is a lace pattern this isn't something I can knit in the dye shed.

So as an incentive to finish Floriston (which is so nearly finished!), I promised myself that once she was finished I could start a new, simple, quick knit project.  And I was labelling the new Warm Hearted Aran for the shop, and thought that would be a lovely yarn to knit up into a sample for the shows during the year.  Looking through patterns on Ravelry I decided that Strokkur would make a good sample.

But I need you to choose the colours:

Green Sphagnum Moss, Winter Sun and Winter Beech Leaves as the main shade?


or Cold Winter Day,  Assynt Lochs, and Teal as the main shade?


Or do you have any other suggestions for colour combinations?  You can see all the Warm Hearted Aran shades here.  Perhaps I should use Assynt Moon as the main shade, but what other two shades?

Please throw your suggestions at me, and while doing so, please cheer me on to finish the left front border of Floriston so that I can move on to a new project.  Thank you - I need your help!