What a busy few weeks I had while in Australia.  My time there just flew by, and I can hardly believe that I am already back home.  Now I just need to get over the jetlag and I'll be feeling almost myself again.

While I was in Brisbane we spent some time going through photographs that my Mum and Dad had collected over the years.  There were many I hadn't seen, and many which bought memories flooding back.  My Mum had digitised a lot of the 35mm slides that they had, and since returning I have spent time looking through them.  Many are only relevant to my family, but some are really interesting from an historical and cultural viewpoint.   And one thing that came through clearly when browsing the photographs - our family loves the seaside!

[caption id="attachment_7130" align="aligncenter" width="846"]Broughty Ferry - 1950's Broughty Ferry - 1950's[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_7135" align="aligncenter" width="718"]Broughty Ferry 1950's Broughty Ferry 1950's[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_7133" align="aligncenter" width="713"]Fishhoek, 1970's Fishhoek, 1970's[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_7134" align="aligncenter" width="712"]Uhmloti Beach, 1960's. Not sure where I was but maybe I didn't want to be seen in those costumes! Umhloti Beach, 1960's. Not sure where I was but maybe my fashion sense told me not to be photographed in those costumes![/caption]


[caption id="attachment_7131" align="aligncenter" width="658"]Hayling Island, 1960's Hayling Island, 1960's[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_7132" align="aligncenter" width="716"]Blouberg, 1970's Blouberg, 1970's[/caption]

I also came across this lovely photograph - I suspect it was taken in the Yorkshire Dales, but I can't be sure.  It could be Scottish Blackfaces in the background.  It shows my maternal grandparents with my Mum two of my sisters.  I love the whole look of this photograph - it could be a photo from a 1950's "new wool" magazine, had such things existed then - my grandfather looks immaculate in his tweed jacket.

Edited to Add My Mum tells me this is near The Devil's Elbow, close to Glenshee.  Here is a recent snippet about it from the BBC.

[caption id="attachment_7136" align="aligncenter" width="533"]Yorkshire Dales? 1950's Yorkshire Dales? 1950's[/caption]

It will be back to work for me soon, and I'll be dyeing the January club yarn in the next few days, so if you want to join the yarn club for the new year, let me know soon.   I did all the trials for the January club yarn before I went away, and I have to tell you I love the January yarn.  I have deliberately made it bright and cheerful to brighten up the dark, northern hemisphere, January days.  Also, if someone close to you has yet to get you a Christmas pressie, then you may want to nudge them in the direction of  "That Special Gift".  I can't guarantee that it will reach you in time for Christmas, but just think what a lovely post-Christmas pick-me-up it will make.