With a refreshing breeze blowing today, our walk was a pleasure. It was our first "proper" walk together since Stevan had his thumb operation, and while the pumping blood caused him quite a bit of discomfort he managed well, and got some cracking photographs. The hills are looking absolutely stunning at the moment. The heather is in full bloom, and while the predominant heather colours are pinks and purples, there was a rare patch of white heather to be found today:
Lexie's Loch was a great backdrop to the heather coloured hills:
and Peggy and Lexie enjoyed a good roll, run and swim:
But the overriding star in the hills today was definitely the heather.
What a stunning coulors. Here in the Netherlands it was much to hot for a good walk, but Jeppe and Abe had a good swim too. So they had nothing to complain about. Good to hear that Stevans thumb is healing, although slowly. And with this coulors, I think you will have enough inspiration for lots an lots of more beautifull self dyed hanks of wool.
6 reactions
1 From Cloudberry - 04/08/2013, 19:33
Our heather is more pink in colour.
2 From Sjoukje - 04/08/2013, 19:58
3 From Sadie - 04/08/2013, 20:25
4 From Anne - 05/08/2013, 02:36
5 From Lizzi - 05/08/2013, 09:07
6 From Sheena - 05/08/2013, 21:56