I'm afraid it has been all about hard work over the last couple of weeks. Woolfest is looming and I still have quite a bit of dyeing to do before I'm satisfied that I have enough choice for folk who are coming to that event. To say nothing of trying to finish knitting samples! I'm on Sleeve Island with my Floriston, and I still have the border to do! Somehow I think it may be exhibited as a "work in progress" at Woolfest this year.
However dyeing has been put on hold this weekend as we await the arrival of Martin and Avery, who were married in New Orleans a couple of weeks ago.
So while I don't have anything particularly exciting or enthralling to tell you about, I leave you, instead, with some lovely photographs taken over the last few days - we've had some glorious weather and we're just a little sad that it seems to have broken just in time for Martin and Avery's arrival in Assynt.
[caption id="attachment_6497" align="aligncenter" width="640"] Water Loch[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_6498" align="aligncenter" width="640"] The Bluebells are in full bloom at the moment[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_6499" align="aligncenter" width="385"] We have an abundance of Marsh Orchids this year[/caption]
3 reactions
1 From Sheena - 14/06/2013, 23:17
2 From Joan McChlery - 15/06/2013, 06:58
3 From Fiona - 15/06/2013, 09:19