One of my yarn bases, the Bluefaced Leicester / Nylon 4ply blend, is going to disappear off into the not too distant sunset.  When I bought this yarn base in it was made clear that it was a one off opportunity to buy this particular base.  Other BFL/Nylon bases are, of course, available, and in time I may include another similar base into the range of bases which I offer.  But for the moment I have offered the final EVER spaces on the BFL/Nylon sock yarn club on the shop site.  Once these places are gone there will be no more places available for this club as I'll only have sufficient stock to see me through to the end of the club.

So if you're a fan of this base, this is your last chance to join the club.  There will be hanks of this base that are already dyed appearing on the website from time to time and I have kept some back for the early shows of 2013.



Of course the Totie Toe sock yarn club continues.