Finally, I have something finished that I can show you.  The first is my Ravi Junior, designed by Carol Feller, which I made for my show stand so that folk can see the sort of fabric that you get from using the sport weight yarn.  I made the smallest size and it took 140g of the sport weight yarn.


I really love this little cardie.  I asked my friend, Chris, from A Fine Yarn in Darlington if she had some suitable buttons, and she sent me these little bluebirds.

I apologise for the poor photographs, but I didn't have a 6month old to hand to use as a model.  Where is your great niece when you need her?

Also finished this week was Snawheid, designed by Kate Davies.  Now I am not modelling this as I really do not suit beanies and I only wear them in the privacy of my own dye shed.  So you'll have to make do with the photo's I took this evening.

I was rather concerned while knitting this that there was absolutely no chance of it fitting me as I have a rather large head, but after blocking (with plastic bags) it actually fits me rather well.  I'm not saying it suits me, but it fits me.  The top is so pretty:


I knitted this using the 100% bluefaced leicester in poppy and ecru.

Progress on Talamh is slow, but only because I have had a stack of custom orders to dye and haven't had much knitting time.  But so far it has been pretty plain sailing, once I remembered the front of the stitch from the back when doing the waffle stitch patter!: