Glasgow School of Yarn is over for another year.  Once again it was a lovely, friendly and fun event.  I'm sorry - I was extremely lax in taking photographs ... mind you I had a good excuse - it was pretty busy!  So the above photograph was taken before the event opened to the public.  But it was lovely to catch up with the other stallholders, and although this is a very small market (compared to some of the huge shows you get in the UK) there was a lovely range of items to tempt you.  And, I discovered that the venue (The Mackintosh Church) is only a couple of doors down from Cafe D'Jaconelli.  I don't know how I missed this last year during the first GSoY event.  Saturday's market was helped along substantially by a wonderful Link Sausage Roll, all for the princely sum of £2.40.

By the time the market place closed at 6.00pm on Saturday evening I was shattered, but still had to get myself back to Glasgow to spend the night with our good (and very generous!) friends, I&J.  Coming up the road today it was clear we were all pretty dog tired:

But fortunately Stevan and I didn't show the whites of our eyes quite as much as Peggy, and we tended to keep our tongue tucked in our mouths too.

I'm only home very briefly before I set off on my travels again, this time to Australia to see family and to have a little holiday.  Stevan will be looking after the shop while I'm away, and I will be updating the shop tomorrow so there is plenty there for you to look at while I'm away.