There are a number of spots around the path network where you want to stop and take photographs, as there are some beautiful views. And sometimes you just want to stand and look:

You will notice the umbrellas....... they certainly were put to good use at various points along the walk, but the little turf covered shelters are great for sheltering in:

And while the rain pelts down it gives you a great vantage point for rainbow spotting:

That rainbow kept us company for quite a while:

Eventually becoming a full rainbow (with Quinag in the distance):

Autumnal colours were everywhere, especially now that the bracken has taken on a golden hue:

ETA: Thought I'd slip in a picture here of me for a change, along with Neil and Gilly.

After bidding a sad farewell to our friends on Friday evening, yesterday held a very early start for me as I had to get down the road to Inverness for the inaugural Highland Wool and Textile Fair. What a great event! There were a huge number of stands with a great mix of ready made textile things as well as materials for you to do your own making. I shared my stand with Dorothy Stewart, a weaver from the Scottish Borders. Dorothy and I have a lovely collaboration where I dye the yarn, and she weaves it into beautiful finished products:

That lovely gold shawl (which was as soft as anything!) sold as we were beginning to pack up for the day. She has assured me she will make more, so if you think you'd like one, get your order in to her! It was a lovely day - congratulations to the organisers for all their hard work. I hope the event is held again in 2013!
And finally .... I'll have my head down dyeing up a storm this week in preparation for 2 events in Glasgow the week commencing 15th October. The first event is being held at The Lighthouse in the centre of Glasgow and is being hosted by Glasgow University. If seeing my yarns is not enough enticement to come to this event, will you come if I tell you that Kate Davies will be exhibiting samples from her soon to be published new book? The second event that week is Glasgow School of Yarn which is being held again in the Mackintosh Church. Do come if you're anywhere near either of those events, although if you're planning to come to the Lighthouse event you'll need to register on the link above.
Because I'll be doing some travelling in late October/early November, I'll be closing memberships to the sock yarn clubs early this week. If you were wanting to join either of the current clubs, please do so before Tuesday 9th October. If you join after this date your membership will not begin until I send out the December packages.
one reaction
1 From Dorothy Stewart - 07/10/2012, 20:46
Nice to see Stella too and appreciated her help during the day.
Sorry I can't make it to join you in Glasgow but hope it goes well.