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Well today I was thrilled to be able to hand over a cheque for £200 to the Coxswain of Lochinver RNLI station.
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It was the open day of the station today, and unfortunately the weather chose today to break after what has been an incredibly dry summer so far. The rain was bucketing down and photographs were taken very hastily so that we could retreat to the dry warm station again. We did, however, have the chance to have a look around the Severn class boat. It is absolutely immaculate inside, and I can only imagine how safe it feels to the souls they have rescued over the years in this boat. You can see what a dreich day it was here:
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There is not a speck of oil or dirt to be seen in the engine room:
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And you can see that there isn't an awful lot of space below, but it must be a haven if you've been in trouble in the open sea:

She is a grand boat, and the volunteers that man her have my utmost admiration and respect. So can I say a huge thank you to all who bought the Brave Lads and Lasses colourway this year. Now you can see where your donations have gone.

The Brave Lads and Lasses colour will remain in the online shop, but not across all the yarn bases. It will pop up from time to time on a different base, just to surprise you.
5 reactions
1 From Christy - Lil Bit Brit - 22/07/2012, 18:15
Such a wonderful connection.
Lil Bit Brit
2 From Dorothy - 22/07/2012, 21:01
That was a great idea of yours to support the RLNI. I'm sure there will be another cheque for next year !
3 From Freyalyn - 22/07/2012, 22:46
4 From Rosknit - 23/07/2012, 09:59
5 From Barbara - 23/07/2012, 12:58