It has been such a beautiful day here today - not that warm, as there is a distinct chill in the wind, but beautiful blue sunny skies. It was due to be a particularly low tide today, so we headed down to Clachtoll beach.

This beach is in a constant state of change, and never looks the same twice. Sometimes storms blow in and all the sand disappears and you're left with just pebbles - but I love it best when the sand returns and you can walk comfortably without slipping on the pebbles, although they have a beauty all of their own too.

It was the sort of day where you had to stop and ponder about life and the universe:

As you see we had the beach all to ourselves:

Looking back up the beach we could see just how far out the tide was:

Just as we were leaving 4 Dutch Morgan's arrived. We got chatting to the owners and it seems there are 50 of them doing a tour of distilleries,

but these four stopped off for a photo with the magnificent backdrop of Stoer beach and the Minch:

Today has been all about R&R after a busy weekend, but tomorrow sees me back at the dye pots. Club yarn packages will be going out later this week, so you can start stalking your postman around the weekend if you live in the UK but wait a little longer if you live abroad!
3 reactions
1 From frayedattheedge - 05/06/2012, 18:48
2 From Dorothy - 05/06/2012, 22:17
The Morgans would be interesting, a tour of distilleries, now there's an idea !!
3 From Kate - 06/06/2012, 08:08