You'll most probably know by now that I try to gather a lot of my inspiration for colours from the landscape around Assynt.  This month I had a happy coming together of finding a new dye colour and having the wild violets bloom at the same time.   You may remember the difficulty I had photographing A Dangerous Shade a while back, well I've had a similar issue with Wild Violets, which was one of the club yarns this month.  However when I put it against a real wild violet when we went for our Sunday Walk today, the camera seemed to like it.

[caption id="attachment_5297" align="aligncenter" width="640" caption="Deep Violet Silk 4ply"][/caption]

The violets vary from pale to a really deep violet shade, but most of them have a tiny hint of the deep violet right in the centre of the flower.

Another shade which I did recently is called Lichen - I have done this colour across most of the yarn bases which I do, but I think my favourite version of it is the silk.

Lichen Silk 4ply

I don't know the proper name for this lichen, but it grows close to the ground and is abundant in Assynt.  I'll have both Lichen and Wild Violets at Gardening Scotland and Woolfest in June.

Now I need to capture this fresh green ..... perhaps a little beyond my ability I fear:

Wear your Greens comes close,

but it doesn't have the depth of colour that the young bracken in the photograph has.  But looking at the picture again, perhaps I could try for the green, gold/green and grey?