Sorry for being so quiet over the last few days - I've been a little swamped.  April brings the start of the round of shows on Friday 6th in Lochinver and they continue throughout April, May and June, with barely a break.  Come July I don't think Stevan will recognise me.

The last few days here have been absolutely glorious, so I made the best of the great weather and took my office outside today.  I spent the afternoon stock taking to see what I had, what still needed to be dyed, what I had too much of, what I had too little of and ended up creating a mini work of art in the drive with a mix of colours and hues and textures of every kind.  There was pure silk, donegal tweed, alpaca and silk, blue faced leicester and some merino and silk mixes.    It was quite a picture.


Here is a close up on some of the Na Dannsairean colours - this is the donegal nep yarn which is proving so popular and which I love.  I have 3 items on the go in this yarn at the moment:


And because it would be churlish not to I have included a photo of one of our beautiful daffodils.  They have been spectacular this year, although last week they took a bit of battering from the wind, but all that meant was that I took the broken off flowers inside and we had a wonderful display indoors.

We have daffodils dotted all around the garden, and they are always guaranteed to raise a smile.  You can't help yourself.