and after a brief diversion to Edinburgh where I left Stevan and the dogs in the care of our friends I&J, I made my way across to Glasgow where I met up with Mhairi who had organised for me to stay in her sisters flat for the weekend. It could not have been better located, with the venue for the Glasgow School of Yarn being about 5 mintues walk up the road.
I stupidly forgot to take a photograph of the outside of the beautiful venue today, as I was so busy unpacking the car, but the event is being held in the Charles Rennie Mackintosh church, which is just beautiful. Everywhere you look there are lovely things to see, and you end up walking around going "oooooh" and "aaah" and feeling like a bit of an idiot.
Once the stall was all set up

I had a quick wonder around and took a couple of photographs of the inside of the church. The thing that grabbed my attention most were the beautiful stain glassed windows.

The one opposite the one photographed above was above the balcony, where Stephen West was running a workshop. What a wonderful location (although I did hear rumours that it may have been a little chilly?):

4 reactions
1 From Roobeedoo - 22/10/2011, 11:20
Gutted that this photo shows Stephen talking to ME- but he is standing in front of me so I can't prove it! Typical! :(
What a great day! :D
And I was bewitched by your assynt jewels! I will be stalking your website later!
2 From Lizzi - 22/10/2011, 13:40
3 From FoFo - 22/10/2011, 18:14
4 From Gilly - 23/10/2011, 09:59