The first thing to catch my eye were these two deer up on the hillside:

Before long more deer had wondered up to the boundary fence, including a stag who had clearly lost one antler.

Also close by were some beautiful highland cattle, including this magnificent beast, who reminded me that I really should try a fringe again:

I'm guessing here, but I think I'm fairly safe in stating that this hairdressing salon has one of the best views from a salon in the world:

And better still, on the drive home I got to see a view I've never tired of in all the times I've driven the road that takes me home, only today it was in glorious Autumn sunshine:

And the haircut? It's brilliant!
7 reactions
1 From fibreclaireuk - 12/10/2011, 15:23
2 From FoFo - 12/10/2011, 18:37
3 From libby - 12/10/2011, 23:18
4 From Amanda - 13/10/2011, 00:57
5 From Gilly - 13/10/2011, 09:58
6 From Auntie Fona - 13/10/2011, 13:41
7 From Monica - 13/10/2011, 14:02