Unless I can get reliable internet connection while in Darlington, it will be a little quiet here for the next few days.  I'm off on my travels again.  This time to Darlington to do a trunk show here:

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="640" caption="A Fine Yarn, Darlington (photo courtesy Chris Smith)"][/caption]

A Fine Yarn is the shop owned and run by Chris Smith.  Chris and I "met" many years ago on the old Rowan forum.  When we finally got to meet one year at Woolfest, we hit it off immediately.  Ever since Chris opened her shop (originally in the undercover market in Darlington) and I started dyeing, we've been trying to get a  trunk show organised.  Well, the moving of Chris's shop to much bigger premises prompted us both to do something definite about our plans, and this weekend will be the culmination of all our planning.  You will see that Chris has a wonderful space for her new shop,

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="640" caption="Just One Half of the shop (photo courtesy Chris Smith)"][/caption]

and she has a large range of yarns with plenty of stock so you won't be disappointed by there not being enough of a particular colour or type of yarn for the project you have in mind.  Chris's experience in working with wool goes way back, and what she doesn't know about wool and yarns really isn't worth knowing.

So, what will I be taking?  Well, I have sock yarn, a tiny bit of Assynt Tweed as unfortunately stocks of this are unobtainable at the moment, likewise the High Twist Falkland Merino, and rather a lot of laceweight yarn.  There is also quite a lot of bulky yarn, and I am just in the process of sewing in the ends of my Fear of Commitment Cowl which has turned out so well using this yarn - just 3 balls, and a wee bit of double knitting.  And there is also patterns galore, and I know Chris has a huge range of patterns and pattern books to inspire you.    I'll be bringing a few samples too, so there will be lots to see.

Do come and say hello.  The address is:

A Fine Yarn

76A Skinnergate

Tel: 07875 146422

I can guarantee lots of yarn, huge amounts of squishing and stroking, dollops of inspiration, and, I suspect, a LOT of laughter and giggles.