[caption id="attachment_4125" align="aligncenter" width="360" caption="Selection of Sock Yarn"]

[caption id="attachment_4126" align="aligncenter" width="288" caption="Some more 4 ply and lace"]

[caption id="attachment_4127" align="aligncenter" width="360" caption="Some kit bags, nicely within reach instead of packed away"]

[caption id="attachment_4128" align="aligncenter" width="640" caption="My lovely burners"]

And because there is no getting away from the fact that dyeing can be messy, here is a small selection of the dye bottles:

By the way, all the yarn above is some of the yarn that will be going to A Fine Yarn in Darlington with me in 2 weeks time. I hope Darlington is ready for the yarny invasion!
4 reactions
1 From Journeys to Scotland - 04/04/2011, 21:09
2 From Anne - 05/04/2011, 08:23
3 From Irene - 05/04/2011, 08:33
4 From Libby - 05/04/2011, 14:09
In fact, I'm popping back up this weekend just to check :+)