After a relaxing couple of days in Edinburgh it was back to the dye pots this morning.  I have a lot of dyeing to do, as I have a number of opportunities to meet customers old and new this year, beginning in April when I will be in Darlington at A Fine Yarn (no website at present - it's being updated).  Chris Smith, who owns A Fine Yarn, is moving into a lovely new, big shop right in the heart of Darlington at the beginning of April.  She has had her shop in the Undercover Market for some years now, but has taken the plunge and will soon be able to offer knitters in the north east of England a lovely space in which to go and browse beautiful yarns.

So, a date for your diary ..... I'll be at A Fine Yarn on Friday 15th and Saturday 16th April.   I'm very excited about this, and I hope that you'll join me in wishing Chris all the best for her lovely new shop.

I'll be taking a bit of this:

and a little bit of that:

and perhaps even some of this:

Other dates that I'll be at shows are as follows:

Scotland's Knitting Only Show, Perth Racecourse, Saturday 14th May 2011

Gardening Scotland, Ingleston, Edinburgh, Friday 3rd to Sunday 5th June 2011

Woolfest, Cockermouth, 24th/25th June 2011

WSD Summer School, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, 13th/14th August 2011

So mark your diary now!  Soon I'll give you the dates of the summer fairs in Lochinver where I can also be found.