There are just 24 hours left to make your donation to the NZ earthquake appeal if you've not already done so. We have raised a staggering amount and are only about £58 short of having raised £1000.00. Thank you everyone who has donated so far. And thank you, too, for all the comments that have accompanied your donations. They have been heartwarming to read, and has given a wonderful insight into why you have made your donation.
I will be taking the appeal off the website Tuesday morning UK time.
EDITED TO ADD: Thank you!! As at 10.00am this morning we broke through the £1000 target!
Just 24 hours to go
Monday, February 28 2011. Permalink Assynt Peace Group
6 reactions
1 From Maggie - 28/02/2011, 15:58
2 From Linda Bowden - 28/02/2011, 18:50
Thank you for raising the funds for a very worthy cause. I have only been to Christchurch once but what a beautiful city with equally beautiful people.
3 From Lizzi - 28/02/2011, 19:39
Like Linda, we went to Christchurch. Beautiful....... I have a wonderful memory of sitting having a glass of wine and admiring the cathedral tower.
The earthquake was a terrible tragedy and so sad that people have lost loved ones. The Kiwis are a strong people though and will cope with this. It is interesting that tragedy brings out the good in people like you, Helen.
4 From Chris - 28/02/2011, 20:27
5 From Alexandra - 28/02/2011, 22:01
6 From Judith - 01/03/2011, 18:14