Today was another lovely, sunny day in Assynt, so as soon as the morning chores were done we set off for the hills again.  We were a bit too busy striding out today to stop and take photographs, except for one.  No matter how much we have enjoyed ourselves on our walk I love coming over the ridge and seeing this:

It means that soon there will be bacon sandwiches and a cup of tea :-)

The Fundraiser is storming along, and as of this moment we have raised £850.00!  This is just a staggering amount, in my opinion, and thank you to everyone who has donated either money or a gift.  Please take a moment, if you haven't already, to have a look at the wonderful gifts which have been donated and which will be allocated once the fund closes to new donations on Tuesday morning.  In order to keep the list all in one place I have been updating my original blog entry which you can see here, and don't forget there is still about 36 hours left in which to donate and you can find the donation page here (where there is also an up to date list of the gifts).  I would love to be able to say we've raised £1000.00, so only £150 to go to reach that target.  Can we do it??  I do hope so.