The end of 2010 is fast approaching, and like many I'm beginning to think about the new year ahead.
The name "Ripples Crafts" came about for a variety of reasons, but the predominant reason was the positive ripple effect from the kindness of other knitters that has, on occasion, played an important role in my life.
With this in mind I've decided to run a small pilot scheme at the start of the new year. For the month of January I'll be offering a discount to qualifying purchases from the shop. I'm not saying yet what that discount will be, but in order to qualify the yarn must be purchased with the express intention of knitting something for somebody else for no reason other than to do something nice. It will be a random act of kindness, just for kindness sake. I would love to see knitters knitting for others on a regular basis and it is my hope that offering a discount on yarn purchased for this purpose may offer an incentive for more knitters to start doing this. I'm not talking about knitting something for somebody because it is their birthday, or because a family member needs a new sweater,or as a Christmas gift. I'm talking about knitting something for someone for absolutely no reason at all other than to be generous. I'm really excited about the possibilities of this project, and I think it could lead to all kinds of interesting things. I see the shop discount just as a starting point - then it is up to knitters to create a bit of goodness.
I know there are other ways knitters are giving to good causes - there is P/HOP and there is Knitters without Borders, both of which raise money for MSF, and these are great. But I wanted to do something a little different.
Once the coupon code is announced I will be relying entirely on the honesty of those buying yarn. However I believe in the old adage "what goes around, comes around". If the pilot is a success I may continue it in some form for a longer period of time, but I have yet to decide exactly what form this may take. Only those subscribed to the Ripples Crafts newsletter or those who read my blog will know the coupon code and hear about future plans for the project.
I would love to know what you think, so please either leave a comment or drop me an e-mail.
By the way, comments are currently having to be approved by me before it gets posted on the blog in order to reduce the huge amount of spam I've been getting.
15 reactions
1 From Ann - 29/12/2010, 12:55
I think this is a really nice idea. I wouldn't want to see time limits put on it but do you think it would be a good idea if when that knitted 'something' was completed we could post a picture up. Perhaps a gallery on your website showing stuff knitted with your yarn?
2 From admin - 29/12/2010, 15:51
3 From Alyssa - 29/12/2010, 17:17
4 From Anne - 29/12/2010, 17:59
5 From Sheena - 29/12/2010, 19:35
6 From Chris - 29/12/2010, 19:39
I too believe that 'what goes around comes arond'.
7 From Amanda - 29/12/2010, 22:59
8 From JIll - 30/12/2010, 03:43
9 From Lizzi - 30/12/2010, 11:19
10 From Maggie - 30/12/2010, 12:01
11 From Helen_at_RipplesCrafts - 30/12/2010, 12:51
12 From Helen_at_RipplesCrafts - 30/12/2010, 12:54
13 From Ann - 30/12/2010, 13:23
14 From Helen_at_RipplesCrafts - 30/12/2010, 14:03
15 From Dee - 03/01/2011, 02:29