Hello! Just to set things straight from the start, this will mostly be a knitting blog. It will be a record, mostly for myself, of my finished objects. There will also be bits and pieces thrown in from time to time about other things. Probably mostly about our dogs! But any extras will be aimed at my family spread around the world so that they can keep up with what we get up to here in Scotland. So don’t expect huge personal revelations, or dark family secrets - you’ll be disappointed. But if you fancy checking up from time on time on what I’m knitting, then feel free to visit this blog and catch up with my finished (and often unfinished!) knitted objects.

The first photographic offering is not one of knitting, but of my DH and the two dogs on our recent trip up north with the two dogs. It was taken near Water Loch in Assynt.


There will be knitting photo's, I promise, but at the moment there's not much to show on the knitting front. I'm working on Eunny Jang's Print O the Waves Stole, but it's slow going as I just can't get the pattern stuck in my head. Also, I'm not doing the grafting in the middle - I've opted for the easier option of just keeping the pattern going in the same direction. Photo's will follow once there's something substantial to show.

After having been away for two weeks look what we came back to:

Two new Suffolk lambs

And here are two of the very special helpers:

Two lambing assistants